Fox 43 Epilogue

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"Pyre, I finally had sex with Amos!" Fox yelled across the parking lot as four school buses began to load up the special education students to take them home.

It was the last day of school before spring break, and all heads were now turned toward Fox.

Oh, maybe not the correct way to tell him that.

Shrugging off the awkwardness felt by the rest of the students and teachers suddenly frozen around him, Fox hurried over to Pyre, who had no need for the buses since he always walked home.

"You're one special dude, my fluffy friend," Pyre said as he tried to hold back a hysterical laugh. Fox could see it just beneath the surface, and he wouldn't mind, but he knew that Pyre wasn't one for the limelight, just like himself, so they walked about a block before he finally busted out laughing.

"Did you like it? I bet you I can do better," he added as he draped an arm around Fox's shoulders but didn't try to tug him any closer.

The guy was clingy as heck, but he never went overboard with his attention. He knew that Fox was taken... though he always did offer all kinds of things if he wanted to leave his boyfriends for him.

Fox nodded as they headed toward the local ice cream shop. The stop was becoming one of their after school things... at least, once a week. Too much ice cream made him wired, or at least that's what Amos and Owen had said after the third time he'd shifted and tried to claw their feet like a cat for four hours straight.

"I'm surprised that you aren't walking funny considering how much that guy seemed to love on you," Pyre said as he held the door open for Fox to enter, then stepped inside himself.

"If you show weakness in the wild, you get picked off or bullied," Fox stated simply, making Pyre stop a few steps back as he walked up to the counter.

Realizing that his friend wasn't beside him, Fox glanced over his shoulder with a curious expression on his face. Pyre stared right back at him, clearly trying hard to hold in another fit of laughter. Thankfully, he managed this time, and eventually meandered his way forward to stand beside him.

"You certainly are something. Well, good for you. How did your other man react to that?" Pyre asked as he fished out a five and paid for their two small cones, then tugged Fox by the hand to one of the little booths away from the busy areas.

Fox carefully sat down in the bright red plastic seat and quickly took a bite of his bacon flavored ice cream.

"He watched, but he's still not comfortable with doing it yet. He has started to touch us more and is working on being naked around us, but I'm not worried about it. I love him and he can take as long as he wants to get used to the things that make him nervous," Fox finished saying right as Pyre reached over and patted his head.

"You're a smart little fox. So, how was Amos? He's a pretty decent sized dude, how did he do?"

Fox went to take a bite and accidentally missed part of his ice cream, earning him a smear of it against his chin.

"Oops," he mumbled as he quickly wiped it off, then licked his wrist clean.

"He was good, but I wouldn't have minded a fifth round. He fell asleep, though," he said as he shifted in his seat a bit, trying to get more comfortable. "But on the other hand, I don't think I'd be able to walk today if he'd had the energy."

Shaking his head, Pyre started licking at his own butter pecan cone.

"I would say that I could beat that, but uh, four is pretty damn good, especially since you said he works full time and goes to school, too. I'm kind of jealous, but I'm not a bottom, so there will be no foursome," Pyre stated with a hint of humor to his words.

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