One Cliché at a Time

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They took an incredibly early flight back to Seoul the next morning. When they got home, everyone went to bed to get some more sleep. Anna had never been able to take naps once she was awake. She also had so much on her mind that she was struggling to fall asleep, despite being tired from the early start. So, after cuddling with Jungkook for a while, she got up and left the bedroom so that she wouldn't disturb him. Yet, she was surprised to find that she wasn't the only one still awake.

Jin was in the kitchen, it appeared he was preparing to make himself something to eat. When he noticed Anna had entered the room, he stopped what he was doing and stared at her. She was just standing there awkwardly in the doorway, as for some reason she felt nervous. Whether it was nerves of worry or nerves of anticipation, she was unsure.

Suddenly Jin reached out and grabbed Anna by the arm, pulling her towards him. He trapped her against the kitchen counter, his arms caging her in on either side. As some who was always making jokes, Jin's serious face had always slightly intimidated Anna, and at this moment he was just staring down at her with a humourless expression. Anna wondered if he was troubled by the bonding situation. It was most serious for him because if they were wrong, he wouldn't have long to find their true soulmate before he started getting sick.

After a few long moments without a word spoken, Jin stepped away from Anna to go back to cooking. However, Anna couldn't bare it and reached out to grab his arm.

"Jin, please..."

She wasn't even sure what she was pleading for: for him to look at her, talk to her, or even kiss her. Jin's large shoulders had tensed at her touch but then sagged at her words. He thought back to that moment on stage when he had first felt her presence when he had felt an overwhelming sense of joy and heard her laughter echoing in his ears.

He backed Anna against the counter again, but this time one hand tangled in her hair, holding the back of her head. He touched his forehead to hers, closing his eyes briefly. When he opened them again, he was gazing down at Anna's closed eyes, watching her eyelashes as they fluttered along with her heart.


At the sound of his voice, her eyes shot open. This time Jin stared down at her with a warm expression, before closing those last couple of inches of space between them.

He kissed her softly. Seeing his very confident demeanour, you might expect he would act the same way with intimacy. However, Anna was only slightly surprised by the eldest member's gentle peck-like kiss.

Jin was hesitant. He didn't want Anna to think that just because she had kissed one of them that now it was open season for the rest of them. Although he couldn't resist kissing her, he managed to restrain himself from overwhelming her.

On the contrary, Anna had no such tentativeness. The unexpected drama of last night paired with the early journey home this morning had prevented any further kisses with Jungkook. The gentle peck from Jin had left her wanting more, but it also filled her with confidence. When she looked back on this moment later, Anna would be shocked at her actions.

She reached up with both hands, grabbed Jin's face and gave him a kiss which was a bit more passionate. Although he was momentarily stunned, Jin wasn't one to deny his soulmates. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her body as close as possible to his as he responded to Anna's passion.

Anna was glad when Jin took back control, as once the initial courage wore off, she realised that she had no idea what she was doing. This was only her fourth kiss after all.

When they broke away from each other they were both breathing heavily. As he looked down at her wide-eyed, breathless and red-lipped, Jin had to take some deep breaths to calm down. If he didn't stop now, he may not be able to stop at all.

After he had regained some of his self-control, Jin gave Anna a kiss on the forehead and a smile. He took her left hand in one of his and rubbed her ring finger where her mark should be.

"Please don't make me wait too long."

Anna's heart hurt a little at his words and she wanted nothing more than to comfort him. So, when Jin wrapped both his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder, she held him tightly and hoped she would never have to let go.


Apparently, her fellow 95ers had no worries about overwhelming Anna. Later that day when Jimin had woken up he had asked her to go for a walk in the park with him, while Taehyung claimed he wanted to take her out that evening.

Jimin and Anna were walking in the park when it started to rain. Jimin grabbed her hand and ran until they reached a small shelter. Luckily, they didn't get too wet from the rain, but Anna watched as Jimin ran his fingers through his damp hair and her heart fluttered. She still wasn't used to how stunning he was up close.

Jimin wondered if Anna knew how obvious she was being, or if she was even trying to hide her staring at all. Either way, he smirked, enjoying the way she looked at him. He turned to face her ad almost cooed at how cute she looked. Strands of her hair were plastered against her forehead and a few were across her face. His hand reached up and brushed them away, tucking her hair behind her ears.

Anna felt emboldened. She didn't know whether it was getting caught in the rain, the look in Jimin's eyes, or even the feeling of being wanted that she felt somewhere deep inside, that made her so. She stepped forward so that she was inches away from him and reached up, putting her hands on his chest. She slid them higher and higher until her arms were wrapped around his neck.

Jimin watched her with interest, curious as to how much she would initiate on her own. After putting her arms around his neck, she paused and bit her lip. That one action broke Jimin's mask and he pounced. His arms wrapped around Anna tightly, bringing her body as close to his as possible, before descending his lips onto hers. To Anna it felt like the Jimin she was with now was his stage persona. He was smooth but passionate, and a total tease.

After they broke apart, they both stared at each other for a while, almost unbelieving of what had just happened. Noticing that it was still raining, Jimin had an idea and stepped away before offering his hand out to Anna.


Usually, Anna's sensible side would have protested against dancing in public and getting wet. However, as her mind was dizzy and she felt as though she was on a high still from kissing Jimin, she eagerly agreed.

At first, they acted silly, spinning around and laughing, but then Jimin pulled Anna in close and gave her a sweet and gentle kiss. Anna wondered if he knew that dancing and kissing in the rain was on every girl's bucket list. Either way, it was very romantic, and Anna felt so happy.

Originally Taehyung was going to meet up with Anna and Jimin to take Anna somewhere special for the evening, but when he saw them, he decided to postpone his plan.

"Jimin! What did you do to her? Why are you both soaked through?"

Taehyung took off his jacket and wrapped it around Anna's shoulders.

"Let's go home."

Once she was dry, Tae wrapped her up in a blanket and snuggled up with her to watch a movie. For Anna, it was the perfect, and relaxing, end to a heartening day.

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