An Introduction to The Plan

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Anna had been waiting for this day for what felt like forever. Today was, finally, the day of BTS's concert in London. It had been a whole year since the concert had originally meant to of taken place. At the time Anna had only been an ARMY for a few months, but she had fallen hard into the BTS universe and was devastated when they had to postpone their tour.

Of course, it was understandable. The whole world had gotten sick, and it took a long time before anyone realised why. The sickness seemed very random at first, no one under 30, usually people who were single, but sometimes some who were married. Eventually, someone figured it out: soulmates. It was affecting people over 30 who hadn't met their soulmates.

Soulmates always seemed like a dream. A beautiful tale. However, when tattoo-like rings began appearing on people's ring fingers, that was the most obvious sign. A sign of fated love. As time passed it was realised that when you are near your soulmate you will feel a unique feeling, which was a symbol of your connection to your soulmate. Then when you kiss your soulmate unique rings will appear like tattoos on your ring fingers.

After it was announced that those who have yet to meet their soulmates by the age of 30 were at risk of getting the sickness, many people panicked, and the search began.

Luckily, Anna was only 25, she didn't feel the need to panic yet. However, she was a little worried for certain members of BTS. Jin was 28 and had yet to find his soulmate. Anna was sure they would announce it because many ARMYs were worried about him and about Yoongi who is only a few months younger.

Anna pushed these thoughts and her worries aside. Today was a happy day.

A month before she had gotten an email from BigHit which included a questionnaire they wanted her to fill out as someone who had a ticket to one of BTS concerts on this world tour. The email was rather vague on what they would do with the information they gathered from the questionnaires, but Anna glanced over the questions, and they looked harmless. There weren't many questions and she doubted they wanted an essay, so she began to answer the questions.

1) How did you become a fan of BTS?

I became a fan of BTS after watching them on James Corden's Carpool Karaoke. I remember hearing Jungkook sing his solo part in ON, and I thought who is the beautiful one singing those stunning high notes. After that, I watched their performance of ON in Grand Central Terminal on Jimmy Fallon's show and was blown away by their dancing and I've been ARMY ever since.

And proceeded to watch every BTS video on YouTube. Anna thought. At times she felt a little guilty at some of the stuff she watched as if it was invasive to study the boys' lives like that, but she rationalised that she probably wasn't any different to any other ARMY. In fact, sometimes Anna wasn't sure she should call herself ARMY. I still haven't listened to some of their old mixtapes. That was something she felt particularly bad about, but she justified it with the fact that there is so much BTS content. Or watched a lot of their old V Lives. Bad ARMY. Shaking her head, she moved on to the next question.

2) Who is your bias and bias wrecker?

I would say Jungkook is my bias, but then Suga, Jimin, J-Hope, V, RM and Jin are my bias wreckers. Jungkook was the member who made me ARMY, but I fell in love with each member individually.

This was something Anna struggled with, when she first became ARMY honestly there wasn't a single member who really stood out to her. Other ARMYs said it would become apparent with time, but for Anna, it didn't. Instead, she always goes with the order that she fell in love with them, therefore making Jungkook her bias, or sometimes Anna says she is OT7.

3) If you could send a message to the members, what would you say?

Don't hurt yourselves trying to make a perfect performance for ARMY. You are already perfect to us. If you mess up, to us it is proof that you are human and not Gods or Angels. It would only make you more real to us and make us love you more. We understand why you do it but seeing you all in pain because of us only makes us hurt too.

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