Loud and Proud

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"I've done it! Anna's going to love my birthday present."

Taehyung walked into the lounge connected to their studio space. The rest of the members were there waiting for him to arrive. It was a few days before Anna's birthday, and this was their last chance to have a meeting about their surprise.

"What? I thought the surprise was our present."

Namjoon looked worried. He hadn't prepared anything separately for Anna.

"Yeah, well, I got her something just from me."

Taehyung shrugged. He would have got the tickets for her anyway, but it happened to be Anna's birthday, so why not make it a present?

"What did you get her?"

Yoongi decided to indulge his younger soulmate, who looked very eager to share the details of this present.

"A ticket to Wang Yibo's show!"

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with wide eyes.

"Woah, Hyung, how did you manage that?"

"I have a lot of friends."

Jimin wasn't surprised.

"Which friend was it this time?"


"From EXO? How did he get tickets?"

"His group member Lay is friends with Wang Yibo. They did a show together in China."

"Lay? He's a dancer too isn't he, was it a dance show?"

As a dancer, Hoseok was intrigued. He wondered if he should look this guy up like Jungkook did.

"I don't- actually, I think Suho Hyung did mention something about a dance... street dance! Oh, and your friend Jackson Wang took part as well, Namjoon Hyung."

"Jackson's friends with Wang Yibo?"

Namjoon was surprised he had such a close connection to the guy who had been the cause of tension amongst his soulmates. Perhaps he should return one of Jackson's calls.

"When's the concert?"


"As in this Saturday, the 6th?"


"That's the day after Anna's birthday."

"Remember remember the 5th of November. Gunpowder, treason and plot."

They all looked at Namjoon strangely.

"What? Anna's birthday is Bonfire night or fireworks day."


"But we haven't organised any fireworks!"

Jungkook was worried, while Taehyung pouted.

"I told you we should have hired a space. We could've had fireworks for Anna."

"We'll just have to light it up like dynamite."

Jimin was the only one who laughed at Jin's joke. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"How important are the fireworks, Namjoon?"

"Um, I don't know?"

Hoseok was ready to pull his hair out.

"Uh, we already had to change our setlist because of Jungkook's info, I can't handle any more changes. This is our last chance to rehearse!"

Yoongi patted the dance leader on the shoulder.

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