The Final Step

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"I wonder what you're watching that's caused you to have that look on your face?"

Anna jumped at Jungkook's voice. She had been watching TV in bed. For once, in what felt like forever, her day had finished before the boys and she had let them know that she would see them at home. After her busy schedule as a trainee for the past few weeks, she was looking forward to the chance to catch up on her dramas.

She paused the show before replying, watching as her soulmate moved to join her on the bed.


"I said, what are you watching?"

"Oh! Er, F4 Thailand?"


"Boys Over Flowers. Thailand has made their own version. It's just started."

"You looked as though you were enjoying it."

"Hm, it's really good. Boys Over Flowers is one of my favourite shows."

Jungkook leaned over and whispered into Anna's ear.

"Are the main actors very handsome?"

"I, er, well, their characters are meant to be the most handsome boys in the school..."

Anna chuckled nervously as Jungkook tucked her hair behind her ear and trailed his fingertips down her neck.

"You can't hide from me, Noona. The look on your face when I walked in... I'd know it anywhere."

"W-what look was that?"

"The look that tells me I need to pay you some... personal attention."

She let out a shuddering breath as he began to place kisses along her shoulder.

"I... I..."

"What is it, Noona? What did they do to get your heart racing?"

"H-he... he was..."


"Bad. I'm a cliché! A girl who's attracted to bad boys."

"Bad boys, huh?"

"Yeah... guess that's why I like you so much. With all your tattoos and piercings, you could pull it off."

Anna ran her fingers along Jungkook's right arm.

"You don't think I could be like them, Noona?"

"No... you're my good boy."

He held the side of her head in one of his hands.

"Not tonight."

Her youngest soulmate was confident as he wasted no time pressing his lips to hers. Anna didn't even notice that Jungkook was lowering her back onto the bed until her head gently hit the pillow.

She whimpered as the warmth of his hand disappeared from her cheek, but then she felt his hands run along her arms. Jungkook gripped her wrists and pulled them up above her head. He pulled his lips away and hovered above her for a moment. Anna stared up at him, wondering what he would do next.

"Don't move."

He released his grip on her wrists and sat back so that he was straddling her body. Suddenly, Jungkook whipped his shirt off and Anna was still stunned by the sight of his muscular body. Her hands twitched with the need to touch her soulmate, causing him to smirk at the sight. Now, she had that look on her face because of him.

As he leaned back down, Jungkook enjoyed watching Anna's reaction to his body. Her breaths deepened, her cheeks warmed, and her eyes couldn't stop flickering down. Before he went to grip her wrists again, he moved his hands down to the bottom edge of the large t-shirt she was wearing as a nightshirt.

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