Back to the Beginning

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As the lights shone down on them, they tried to keep smiles on their faces. This is what they loved most, performing in front of ARMY. However, they couldn't keep their minds from drifting to one thought. We haven't found them yet.

They were already halfway through their tour and had almost finished the North America section, but so far, they hadn't had any luck finding their final soulmate. They only had Europe and Japan left before they returned to Korea to end the tour.

After the latest concert, all the members were backstage removing their mics and getting ready for another meet and greet. Taehyung was sitting on a couch waiting as he was the first one ready. He glanced down at his hand, more specifically his ring finger. As he ran his thumb over the tattoo-like mark there, he couldn't help but feel bad. This was his idea, if they didn't find their soulmate by the end of the tour it would be all his fault.

Gazing down at the mark Taehyung remembered how it appeared.

Namjoon and Yoongi were the first members to meet back when they were trainees. It took them a little while to realise that the strong feelings they felt around each other were because they were soulmates. Namjoon felt stronger around Yoongi, as though the older boy was supporting him, always ready to help if needed. Meanwhile, Yoongi felt companionship around Namjoon. The two rappers understood each other and their mutual love of music and words.

So, at first, they thought they were bonding as members, until one day they realised it was more than that and after they kissed the number 6 appeared on both their ring fingers. A number was unusual for a soulmate ring, but they didn't think any more of it.

When Hoseok joined them, Namjoon and Yoongi were confused. They couldn't understand why they felt this way around Hoseok when they already had each other. Hoseok was confused as well. He got a strong feeling of calm around Yoongi, which counteracted his normal hyper-ness. However, he also felt a sense of solidarity around Namjoon. Being a man of action, he decided to test this theory and kiss the two boys. Despite the shock, all the three boys were smiling afterwards as the number 5 appeared on all their fingers.

Jin was the next member to join them. Although the other three boys had some idea now that they had more soulmates, there was no way they could predict that the next boy to join them would be one of them. They were all shocked when they first met, Jin especially because he was overwhelmed with three strong feelings: respect, companionship, and similarity. Namjoon took charge this time and kissed Jin as the other two watched the number on their fingers change to a 4.

It was only a few days later when the four members knew that Jungkook would be joining them. This time they planned for the possibility that this boy could also be their soulmate. Instead of all four of them meeting him at once, only Namjoon welcomed the boy. When Jungkook met Namjoon all he felt was an overwhelming amount of admiration, which made sense since he idolised the older boy. Namjoon was filled with warm compassion as he met the young boy, who he immediately knew was another one of his soulmates, but he was also shocked at how young he was.

It became apparent to Namjoon that this young boy hadn't recognised their soulmate bond and he called in the others. Jin and Yoongi both felt a kind of protectiveness when they met the wide-eyed young boy who was their fifth soulmate. Hoseok approached the boy but instantly changed his initial plan when Jungkook looked terrified. The older four recognised that they would need to take their time with the boy.

It took a while for the boy to open up to them. Jungkook had been confused and scared at the feelings he felt around his Hyungs and didn't understand what was happening to him. One day the older boys realised they need to explain their connection to Jungkook and sat him down to have a talk. Afterwards, the young boy cried in relief at finally understanding what he was feeling, and in happiness that he had found his soulmates. Jin wrapped the boy in a hug and gave him a small peck and all the boys watched as the number 3 materialised on all of their fingers.

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