Run Bangtan!

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With the backdrop of the river and mountains, the members of BTS stood in front of seven easels. Anna was very excited. She was standing behind the camera with all the staff as they started filming. Apart from the obvious clue of the painting easels, she had no idea what her soulmates would be doing.

First, the members had to choose one of seven pieces of paper. The director explained to them that they would each need to create a piece of artwork based on the member written on their piece of paper. It could be a literal portrait, or something more representative. They were each given a canvas and a pencil. Then in true Run BTS! fashion, they played a game where each member could win more supplies.

Other supplies include various types of paint, brushes, sponges, pens, crayons, markers, plain and patterned coloured paper, stickers, glitter, glue, scissors, and other random craft items such as feathers and beads.

Each item was numbered, and corresponding numbers had been hidden around the area. The members were given one minute to find as many numbers as they could. They would then be given the corresponding items to use on their artwork. Opportunities to get more items would be available by playing games, such as cham cham cham and the capital game, with the director.

In the end, RM ended up with sponges and patterned paper, Jin with feathers and pens, Suga with paint, a brush and some glitter, J-Hope with beads and paint, Jimin with paints, V with paper and stickers, and Jungkook with crayons and markers.

After gathering their supplies, some members started straight away, while others wondered how they were meant to incorporate their items into their artwork. When RM stood up to play for more supplies, he somehow managed to catch his foot on the leg of his easel. This caused not only his to fall, but all the ones next to him. Luckily as they had only just started no damage was caused.

Suga and Jungkook took their art very seriously and were mostly silent as they worked. Everyone watched the two artists, anticipating great things from them. Jungkook started by adding patches of bright colour to his canvas, while Suga kept complaining about having to use glitter.

Meanwhile, Jin didn't take his work seriously at all. He played a lot of games and gathered as many supplies as he could, before applying them all to his canvas. Obviously, he was going for a more modern piece of artwork.

J-Hope worked very hard on his piece and wanted to get it right. So, he kept asking the others for advice, especially Jungkook and Suga. Every time he did something, he would question himself and then ask someone what he should do next.

After a while Jimin and V got mischievous and a paint fight ensued. It was stopped before anyone else got involved, but the two had multi-coloured smudges covering their face and hands.

Everyone was shocked when after Jungkook had finished filling in his canvas with colour, he started covering it all in black. However, they gave him the benefit of the doubt, imaging that the golden maknae must have a plan.

Jin was the first to finish, while they had to convince J-Hope to stop because he was never going to be satisfied. Then they lined up for the big reveals. They would each show their work and afterwards they would guess who each member had gotten.

RM went first. He had used his sponges to paint a patchy grey and white circle in the middle of his canvas and around it he had cut out symbols for each member out of different patterned paper.

Jin's was a little harder to decipher. There was an item which looked like an open book beside a squiggle, but everything was covered in feathers, glitter, and stickers.

Suga's painting was like his usual classic abstract, but a lot more colourful. He had managed to merge one colour into another and then another, like a rainbow. The whole thing was covered in glitter in matching colours.

J-Hope had gone for a more traditional portrait, but half of the person's face was covered by a mask. He had used his beads to give the person multicoloured hair.

Jimin had also done a portrait but in a pointillism style. The whole canvas was covered in various coloured dots of different sizes. It was hard to make out a person from it.

V's work was also a portrait. Mostly done in pencil, but with bits of cut-out paper covering certain features, such as an eye, a lip, and waves of hair. Stickers of random things surrounded the person.

Jungkook's canvas was mostly black, but he had scratched out various pictures, letting the colours underneath show through. There were some musical notes, some z's, and a cat.

Next, they all guessed who each other's artworks represented. J-Hope's portrait of V was the easiest to guess, as it was pretty self-explanatory, with his singularity mask and his various changes of brightly coloured hair.

It was guessed that Suga's was of J-Hope due to all the bright colours. It was a little harder to guess V's was of Jungkook, but he explained that the stickers around him represented all the things Jungkook is good at.

When they asked RM was the grey splotchy circle was, he said it was a moon and then they could guess it represented Jin. He was in the centre of all of the members because he looked after them all.

When they noticed the z's on Jungkook's work they knew it must be of Suga. When they asked him about the black covering all the colours behind, the maknae said that while Suga could appear dark and moody on the outside, he was actually a man of many colours underneath his exterior.

From the book, they guessed Jin's was about RM, but he had to explain that the squiggle next to it was a worm: book worm. That left Jimin with Jimin. He had done a self-portrait of himself, which had turned into a mirage of dots.

The artworks were gifted to the members they represented. Some joked that they would be throwing theirs in the river, others said they were going to hang it in their living room so all the members could admire it. J-Hope genuinely stated that his would be going in his studio because he really like Suga's depiction of him.

With that filming ended. It had been a long afternoon and after everyone helped pack up, the staff left. BTS were starving and Anna offered to cook dinner and Jin volunteered to help. The others went to wash their makeup - and for some paint - off and change their clothes.

Anna spent the rest of the evening trying to discreetly avoid being alone with Jimin. She kept herself busy cooking, she didn't sit next to him at dinner and then insisted on doing the washing up since they had all had a long day working.

When Jimin went to find Anna, she had already finished the washing up and was nowhere to be found.

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