Concern for you, And for me

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Anna enjoyed walking. Long walks along level ground were no problem for her. However, as she was struggling up this hill, she wondered why she had agreed to go hiking with Namjoon and Hoseok. The pair had enjoyed their hike so much last time they were here that they wanted to do it again and had invited Anna along too. So, she spent most of the climb trying to hide her heavy breathing from her two extremely fit soulmates and when they finally reached the top she sat down on the first rock she saw, while the boys admired the view.

"You okay Anna?"

"Yep. I am okay."

Hoseok smiled at her before offering his hand to pull her up.

"Lunch time?"

As they were finishing their packed lunch, Namjoon got a call. He frowned as he looked at the screen and muttered something under his breath. The leader got up, answering his phone as he walked a short distance away from them.

Anna tried not to watch him, although it wasn't like she could eavesdrop, but she noticed he looked a little annoyed. He switched between resting his hand on his hip to rubbing his forehead, to running his hand through his hair.

"Manager-nim knows we on holiday, must be important."

At Hoseok's words, Anna was now also frowning. She wondered what was so important that they would disturb BTS on one of their rare weeks off. Hoseok pursed his lips in thought, before putting on a smile.


Anna wrinkled her nose. She wasn't fond of having her picture taken, but who could deny Hoseok's hopeful face. He put one arm around her and pulled her closer so that she was pressed against his side.

As they posed, she suddenly had an idea and as he went to take a picture Anna turned to press her lips against his cheek. However, she was the one who was surprised when Hobi also turned and she ended up meeting his lips instead. She would have pulled away from the unexpected kiss if it weren't for a hand on the back of her head holding her in place.

Time seemed to be a foreign concept when she was kissing her soulmates. Hours could have passed, or just a few minutes and she wouldn't be able to tell the difference. When Hoseok did pull away, Anna kept her eyes closed as if she was lost in the moment. As he caressed her cheek, he couldn't resist giving her one last peck on her pouty lips.


"Sorry to interrupt, but we should start heading back now. We need to have a group meeting."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Nothing major, they just want to disrupt our holiday."

Anna looked between her two soulmates as they shared a knowing look between them. She watched Namjoon rub his forehead again and noticed the small crease between his eyebrows. This unexpected interruption had caused him to get back into his leader mode again and he looked as though he needed a hug.

So that's what Anna did. She stepped towards Namjoon and wrapped her arms around him. This one was of things she was especially glad she could do now. Ever since she became ARMY, or even before, when she watched BTS videos she had often felt the need to give them hugs.

She felt Namjoon's chest vibrate as he chuckled before he wrapped his arms around her in return. He leaned down and kissed the top of Anna's head. When she raised her head up to look at him, he captured her lips in a brief kiss. However, the shortness of the kiss didn't mean it didn't still take her breath away.

Going down wasn't much easier than going up, but the boys took Anna's hands to help her down the steeper parts. It wasn't long before they were back at their accommodation. Hoseok ran off the round-up the other boys, while Namjoon and Anna went to the main house. Yoongi was the only one there, apparently taking advantage of the peace and quiet while the others were gaming in the upper house.

"Jungkook is in his room."

"Anna would you mind getting Jungkook? He's in the floating house."


When she got back, the rest of the members had assembled in the living room. Jungkook immediately sat down too, but Anna hovered. She wasn't sure if should join them since it was a work-related meeting, but Namjoon patted the space next to him.

"Anna, come sit."

"So, Namjoon, why is our holiday getting interrupted?"

"They want us to do a Run episode. Manager-nim said he told them they shouldn't intrude on our time off, but they said us being back here was too good an opportunity to miss."

"Can't they just book this place out some other time?"

"It's fully booked. You know we were lucky to get this week here."

"If it were just us, I would say let's do it for ARMY."

"Exactly. I agree that ARMY would love a In The Soop episode of Run BTS!, but this is Anna's holiday too."

"Yeah, we can't expect Anna to be happy with our work disturbing our time with her."

While the others continued to discuss the situation, Namjoon translated what was going on to Anna. While she appreciated their concern, she also knew what their life was like. Their work was a huge part of it and changes of plan like this were bound to happen and she understood.

"It's okay. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I mean, I would love to watch you record an episode of Run BTS!."

"Actually, there's something else. I know we haven't had a proper discussion about it yet, but they were thinking that Anna could take part as well."

"They want Anna to be on Run BTS!?"

"I know the episode wouldn't be aired for a while, but shouldn't we have a plan of how we are going to introduce her to public before we start recording stuff?"

"They said they could record it in such a way that she could be cut out if needed."

"So, we are going to go public then? With Anna, our group soulmate bond, everything?"

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to have to hide our mark anymore."

"Me too. I'm surprised ARMYs haven't already figured it out."

"Yeah, but we were never worried about them finding out about us seven, only that we had one more soulmate."

"Can you imagine everyone wanting to find out if they were our last soulmate? It would be crazy."

"At least they wouldn't have a single target. If Anna is known to the public..."

"I think this is a discussion for another day. Maybe BigHit has plan, but for now it is up to Anna."

"How do you feel about going on Run BTS!?"

Anna honestly had no clue how to answer that question. She had never considered that she might be a part of their work life. Although, thinking about it now, their work was so integrated into their life that it would be hard not to be a part of it.

What she did know was that she was not comfortable going on camera. It went back to her low self-esteem. She disliked the idea of people being able to see her face and hear her voice. She always thought of photos as evidence of what she had looked like, evidence she would rather wasn't available for everyone to see. Doing something like this would be so much worse. She could already hear the comments, judging her.

"I don't... I can't..."

"It's okay. No one will force you. The decision is completely up to you."

She looked around at her soulmates who were all sending her reassuring smiles and nods at their leader's words. So many thoughts were rushing through her mind, including whether eventually, she would have to be on camera. Namjoon did say they could cut me out if needed.

"Can I think about it?"

"Of course you can. No pressure though, alright?"

What was it about BTS that they could make you feel like you could do anything?

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