Right Moments

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Anna had spent some time trying to think of things she could do for her soulmates. After she found out about the ridiculous amount of money they had given her, they had discussed it. The boys had insisted that to them it was only a small amount of money. Jungkook had mentioned how she had left most of her belongings behind. She argued that she wasn't paying any rent, or for anything, at the moment. Also, she had always lived frugally so she had an adequate amount in her savings.

Since it was one against seven, Anna eventually gave in and instead decided that she would just have to pay them back in a different way. However, she soon realised that this wouldn't be an easy task. First, she thought she could do all the house chores. As her soulmates worked long hours, they must not have the time or the energy to keep up with the cleaning. Alas, Anna hadn't considered that they already had a solution for this in place, as she discovered they had a cleaner who came once a week.

Her next idea was cooking. Home-cooked meals seemed to be a rarity for the boys and Anna considered herself a semi-decent cook. She just needed to ask Jin or Yoongi if they had any recipes she could follow, as she hadn't cooked many Korean dishes before. In the meantime, she hoped they would like the dishes she was used to. Wait, don't they have special diet plans?


It was Wednesday and Anna was not so patiently waiting for Namjoon to come home so that they could go on their bike ride, just the two of them. That morning Anna had been to her third Korean lesson. Tom had scheduled her to come in every weekday morning for the next two weeks. After that Anna wasn't sure what her schedule would be, as BTS had their last concerts in Japan as well as Jungkook's birthday. When she got back Anna had changed into her cycling clothes so that she would be ready whenever Namjoon finished work.

Although she knew she should go over this morning's lesson, as she didn't know if she would have time later, instead she sprawled across her bed. Her head was still spinning with Korean. So, Anna did something that had become a rare occurrence since discovering BTS, she turned on some music that wasn't theirs.

Singing was a release for Anna. She often played music just so she could sing her heart out. As much as she loved BTS's songs, and of course, she tried her best to sing along to them, she still struggled with the Korean pronunciations. Although she had seen an improvement after she started learning Korean, frustratingly for Anna, it wasn't enough for her to be able to sing a whole song or even entire verses. Therefore, when it got to the point where she needed a good singing session, she had to turn to songs in English.

This was how Namjoon found her; lying on her bed, wearing sports clothes, passionately singing along to the loud music that was playing. She was so lost in the music that she didn't even notice him standing in her doorway. He smiled fondly at her. Although a small part of him felt like he was intruding by watching her, he also couldn't bear to leave. He felt happy, and also relieved, to see his new soulmate this way. As the leader Namjoon was often at work more than the others and he had been worrying whether Anna had been settling in okay. It was nice to see her relaxed enough to feel free to be herself in their home.

When a new song came on, he vaguely recognised it as an old Eminem song featuring Rihanna. However, Namjoon was shocked that when it got to the rap verse Anna joined in. Although her breathing needed work, she had a good sense of rhythm and feeling. It was a whole new side of Anna. When the song finished Namjoon couldn't help but clap and cheer, which startled Anna out of her singing trance.

"Whoa! Anna, that was awesome! You didn't say you could rap as well?"

"What? Oh, umm, I can't really, just that one song."

"You don't know any other raps?"

"No... before BTS I didn't really listen to rap."

By this time Anna was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Namjoon walked over and perched on the edge in front of her.

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