Just Hope

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Anna was in a dance studio with Hoseok. After watching him stretch he had begun dancing and she just watched him in amazement. She had always wished she could dance, but she was convinced that she looked like an idiot whenever she tried. Without realising it she started to dance along from her position on the floor. When she realised what she was doing she stopped herself just in case anyone saw her. Unfortunately, she had forgotten that the mirrored walls meant that Hoseok could see her too.

"Anna dance with me?!"

"Umm, I'm okay, thanks."

He bounced over to her and held out his hand. She looked up at him.

"I can't dance."

"Even if that was true, I teach Namjoon and Jin-Hyung. You? Easy."

Somewhat reluctantly Anna took his hand and stood up. After getting her to do a few stretches, Hoseok moved to stand behind her and tried moving her arms for her like a puppet.

"You're so stiff. Relax."

He put his hands on her shoulders and started to massage them, but Anna jumped away.

"Sorry. I mean, sorry. No one has ever... never mind. Go ahead."

Hoseok placed his hands back on her shoulders for a moment, before changing his mind and sliding them down so that he was holding the tops of her arms instead. He gave Anna a squeeze before letting go and moving to stand next to her.

"Follow me."

He took her through some simple moves, one step at a time.



"Simple, but important. Now, something more hard. You know any of our dance?"

Anna wasn't sure how to answer that. As an ARMY of course she had tried to learn a dance to one of their songs. However, she didn't want to raise his expectations by telling him about it. In the end, it didn't matter, her hesitation to answer told Hoseok everything he needed to know.

"Yes! What song?"

"Umm, ON. Just the chorus and not at full speed!"

"Whoa! Go Anna. Ha ha, don't worry, we do something easy today."

Anna watched him as he searched through his phone to pick a song. Something about his words gave her the feeling that this wasn't a one-time only dance session. Although she would be ecstatic to have dance lessons with Hoseok, she couldn't help but be worried that she would fail and end up wasting his precious free time.

"Let's have fun! I choose some easy dance songs. I maybe not remember how it goes, but we have fun. Yeah?"

It took a while, but with Hoseok's encouragement, Anna began to enjoy herself.

Suddenly Anna had a clumsy moment and tripped over her own feet, but before she could fall Hoseok grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. The momentum of his pull caused her to fall into him instead. Anna felt dizzy as she found herself pressed against Hoseok's body, her hands resting on his chest, their faces only inches away from each other. Anna was breathing heavily, her body not used to the workout that even this short dancing session had provided. She no longer knew if her heart was racing for the same reason or because of the sudden closeness of her soulmate.

Anna raised her eyes to his. He was looking down at her with an expression that she couldn't decipher. She always felt as though she was at a disadvantage. While she struggled to read other people, she had been told many times that she was an open book.

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