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Curled in the most soft bed she ever felt under her body a very sweetie brunette concentrated on her finger pumping her fingers inside of the most velvet texture she ever felt just doing that have her in a state of shock which left her concentrating on her task, to give her the moment of her life.

Though she never did it before the moans coming out the woman mouth the way she drip her hairs with one hand and the sheets with the other, not to mention the pool formed on the bed beneath her told Eleanor she was doing a good job.

The woman thighs started trembling as it became difficult to move inside her curling her fingers in a way she learned on the internet, the woman jerked crying out loud as she squirted all over the young woman face, then pushed her away curling on herself to ride her high.

Sitting on her feet still kneeled in the middle of the big mattress, the action hurt the young woman more than words could have done. Her eyes still on the older woman who had her back to her, not knowing what to do, she waited examining the idea to leave already.

She had seen million times women doing it in movies because they were sensitive down there, she had made research about it to find it was true, but the way she slapped her hand who held her thighs pushing her aside as if she were an plage had her thinking.

Looking at her hand she knew it will certainly be blue the next day by the way it hurt.

The woman finally stood not acknowledging her even with a glance, taking her nightgown on the bed end she walked out of the room toward what she showed her earlier to be the shower.

Taking in the stinking pain that shoot through her heart, the young woman sat on the edge of the bed removing the sticky liquid that seemed to be everywhere on her face, helping herself with the bottle of water she placed before whatever they did started she used her scarf to wipe her face clean in a hurry to go she had felt humiliated in the past but this was the highest she ever did.

'For sure nothing will ever touch me as this, way to learn. At least I saw her color earlier could have been problematic in the future.'

Doing her best to lift her own spirit as she always does she found her sandals and started pulling them on her delicate feet when the woman entered back in her bedroom looking at her as if she was a scumbas.

Holding her free hand up to stop what she had to say which by her stern face look like an insult or something else that line.

"I already get the hint no need to be nasty."

Pulling her other shoes witht her free one she said finally standing up her eyes looking for her jacket.

Arching one brow the woman walked towards her very large window glass giving on the town sipping on her glass of wine.

"You know... It is not like I want to stay here to be insult or treat lowly. Thanks you could suffice but.. "

"Thanks you for what?"

Slightly turning her front to her the older woman asked a little laughing at her, but nothing could touch the young woman when she already made her mind on someone, she had her walls so up that even her could not reach them.

"You are serious? I just gave you an orgasm..."

"Which wasn't that good. Better a disaster. Don't flatter yourself everyone can do that."

"But, I, for a first ti... You appreciate!!... Your body could tell!? Guess what? I'm very happy you didn't touch me at least I will not have to wash away your touch... People can be so fake nowadays! I don't understand how I didn't see it coming."

Turning her back to her the older woman who looked at her slightly suprised by her counter-attack felt a little insulted by the comments.

"For what I know I could have caught something, she slept we so many people!God I have to go see my gynecologist as soon as I can. What possessed me to do THIS again? I'm usually good at reading people?"

Mumbling to herself she wasn't aware that the other woman had her attention on everything she was saying as she finally found her Jacket behind the couch that was on the other side of the room.

Walking toward the door in a haste she opened the door then slow her pace not looking back.

"We do not know each other start from now, don't worry I won't be all clingy to you or whatever. This NEVER happened."

Closings the door she walked through the hallway as they did before they arrived in the living room where she found her bag, after verifying that she had everything settled in she didn't even waste her time looking around the beautiful room that had her in awe when she first came in. For all she knew no one with the mind set of that woman could appreciate what they have for her it certainly was oy a way to brag.

Opening the front door she walked out practically running, the gatekeeper looked at her questioningly when he understood that she wasn't accompanied by his boss.

"You are going back..."

Shaking her head to stop whatever he wanted to said not interested by whomever related to the evil she hurried opening the small gate briskly walking out of the house to the road which was desert.

"Great! Just great!" Throwing her hands in the air she exhaled exasperated at her luck before starting to walk even if the man kept telling her that it was dangerous to be walking alone at 8pm when there were no one out.

Brushing it away she accelerate her pace to get her point she didn't wanted to breath the same air as them anymore.

Sighing at her stubbornness the man ran in to prevent his mistress on what was going on, as he entered the house back he missed to see Eleanor taking an alley that was between two big house praying that nothing bad happen to her.

"Ma'am? Ma'am?"

Walking out of her bedroom still with her nightgown on, the woman looked at the man annoyed.

"Ma'am she walked out practically running, I tried to warn her that it was dangerous but she didn't want to hear me."

Rolling her eyes she threw him the keys of her smallest car, a Suzuki that he caught in the air, running back out at the same time she went back in her bedroom pestering on the stupidity of the young woman.

Igniting the car he drove in reverse having the gates opened itself, this wasn't the first time something like that happened the women his boss brought back home, would came out then sit in the porch waiting for her to get them to their home which she would invariably asked him to do after an hour or two but what was ironic was the fact that they never seemed to be tired of her, he would see them with her countless times.

The young woman reaction suprised him because no one ever did that, she was one of a kind. 

Roaming the road of the neighborhood surrounding his boss house, he saw nothing at all, even the hill that connect to the main road that could be seen from afar was empty.

Knowing it was useless to go that far he sighed softly driving back home thinking that maybe she had some car helping her to the town. But somehow praying for it to not be a bad person.

As he did a brunette head came out of the bush where she was hiding to step on the road, she saw the car coming her way   minutes ago when she was about to come out of the alley which led her there.

Sighing she shook her head while walking out of her hideout thinking that at least she had healthy feet or it would have been problematic plus she loved everything related to walking, she could do it in the worse situations and still find beauty in her surrounding what she did Looking around her a small smile on her lips despite the situation.

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