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" My Lord I'm wasted! Thanks you so much for helping." Her hand on her face Sandra mumbled hiding her yawning mouth behind her palm, it was visible that she was tired.

"Don't mention it, we did I with all our hearts... Now it seemed like they are all sleeping." Diverting the discussion to something else Amy pointed to the living room where the TV was the only thing still functioning.

    "Wait me there I will put the kids in the bedroom."

Carrying the small boy in her arms Sandra took him to the bedroom then came back to wake Paula holding her hand until she closed the door behind them leaving the two Harris with her first born sound asleep almost like a baby, one of her hand on her stomach while the other rest on her chest, maniac even in her sleep, Amy thought smiling.

Covering the tiny form with a blanket which was fold on the carpet neatly near the couch, Juliana couldn't stopped starring at Eleanor beautiful face she felt a strong need to kiss her lips but settled for her forehead instead not caring about her sister scrutinizing all her move.

The fact that she didn't knew when she could see her again had her rib cage tigthened almost taking her breath away, fighting the tears that wanted to leave her eyes, she straightened her body fear of not seeing her again clouding her mind.

That thought made her take her wallet out of her bag to pull a good stack of money out of it, before she could placed it on the small table Amy snatched it away hiding it in her back pocket the very moment Sandra entered the room smiling thankfully at the woman gesture of covering her daughter.

"Thanks you, for everything, really i appreciate it."

A small smile on even though her mind was on what her sister did, Juliana stood up reaching for the hand Sandra had up for her to take, before she knew what was going on the woman engulfed her in a big hug her hand holding her tightly, indulging she reciprocated the hug her chin almost on the top of the woman head, even if she didn't physically looked like her daughter they had the same height.

"You are welcome, anytime."

Letting go she did the same with Amy showing them the door that she finally closed behind them.

Breathing relieved in the silent place, Sandra walked towards the couch where her daughter was sleeping to take a look of her peaceful face, seating near her she placed a hand on her chest where her heart steadily bit reassuring her.

Satisfied she sat on the carpet at the top of the couch near her head where she laid her own head feeling tired her hand still on her daughter heart she felt asleep knowing she would be there when she will wake up the bit of her heart reassuring her worries, her baby was fine.

"What is your project? You were the one pushing me... Now what?"

Stopping abruptly when they reached the second floor where she first stopped early, Juliana asked her sister annoyed then turned her back to her to look through the big window glass which honestly was the only good thing around.

Sighing at her stubborn stuck sister, Amy retrieved the stack of money from her pocket putting it back forcefully in her hand. Trying not to roll her eyes at her attitude.

"Hey, it wasn't against you but you wasn't there early, I had to practically beg for Sandra to accept all the groceries you bought. I just thought that she would certainly would have not accept the money which I'm just saying is a lot. Way to bust you cover..."

Blinking at her words which was all truth, Juliana massaged the back of her neck a sign that she was frustrated by the situation.

"No one give that much money for just an employee... Sandra is not stupid. You have to be smart as you always are. I can tell that this is the real deal."

Nodding at her sister she gave her the most desperate gaze she ever did, she fell so powerless that it was shocking her, what if after all Eleanor never look at her the same? Would she ever be happy to be near her as she was just the day before? She destroyed everything with her stupid self?

"Julia stop that this is not the moment to give up hear me? You are a fighter this is nothing."


"No but... Julia... I will tell you to man up okay. Be the man or the WOman here. You know how it work. No one ever told you that doing the chase was easy, if she blacklisted you, you, my sister will do the impossible to change that it will take a while but you will get there."

Breathing out slowly her sister words making their way in her head, Juliana straightened herself when a man who came through the stairs to go up slow down as if recognizing them.

"Can you help us to find the landlord?"

Meaning business back to being herself Harris readjusted determined to  keep going with her plan. The man stopped  walking before heading  back to them his puffy eyes fixed on them, it was like he had slept with a bottle of beer in his bed.

"That will be me to serve you. Mr Doug."

His hand up for her to shake stayed there untill taking pity of him Amy shook it making him wet his lips feeling uneasy under the other woman stare. She seemed familiar to him but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

"How about you start serving the ones who paid to have you doing that for them?" Sternly Juliana spat at him her eyes never leaving his face making him looked away like a child would do.

Puzzled at her attitude Mr Doug looked at the pacific one not understanding what he did to face the predicament he was in.

"I don't even..."

"By tomorrow morning I want the elevator fixed and an accessible path for people in need. I don't even know how you have done it to have a building without those."

"Look madam I don't have any money to do that, plus it is not your business to come here telling me what to do."

Counterattacking courageously the man stood his ground but the women knew it was the bad alcohol that he had in his system that spoke for him, beside Eleanor Heartland no one ever spoke back to her rarely Amy when her fury bypass her fear.

Juliana could become very scary when she decided to be which was almost all the time. Standing tall she took a step toward him making him back away afraid of the steam hw could almost see around her.

"Maybe you want it to be my business... When I will buy all the neighborhood and have you out of this sickening place you call your business... " Hardening her face she looked him up and down making him gulped taking one step back while she took one closer to him.

"Here... There is enough to have that mix of hell you put on those walls remove for a change, if you are not artistic paint it in plain white. Make yourself a favor stop taking your inspiration from the cloud you are in when you are intoxicated. Red and yellow, seriously?!"

Shaking her head to him disapprovingly while he continued to gulped like if he was drinking something, sweat on his forehead, she turned her back to him.

"I will have my men keeping eyes on what you are doing... I hope they will have good new for me. You don't want to own me money. Trust me Mr Doug."

Not giving him the time to proceed with the situation, she stepped on the stairs walking down followed by her sister who was hoping for that approach to pay, she knew that for her someone doing that would be a good point.

One point for Juliana Harris.

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