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Pestering at what or who was the reason of it, Amy looked up to see her sister absent-mindedly looking at the swollen leg as a single tear rolled on her face. Taken aback she looked at her hands attentively to see them a bit shaky.

Clenching her jaws at the thought making it way in her head, she refused at first to believe. Thinking that it couldn't be her, but the nagging feeling she had pointed at her sister understanding right away why the young women was walking the last night on Monroe Street.

That explains so many things as to why she seemed guilty at the moment. Shaking her head she met Juliana eyes, the disgust in Amy's making her flinched.

"Mama I think she faints."

Hearing that the older sister shook her head panick in her eyes while another tear rolled which caused Amy to roll her eyes at her settling back in her seat hands crossed on her chest shaking her head in pure disgust at how low her sister could be.

Doctor Jill admitted the young woman as soon as they arrived having her on air assistance he and his wife, who was also doctor pushed her inside to the private clinic they have at home to run exams on her leg.

"Hi, do you guys need something?" A beautiful young lady, Lana age, asked them to make them comfortable. It was the two doctors daughter.

"No sweetie, but can you help my daughter with a snack please? It is passed the dinner time."

"Mom I'm..." placing a finger on her daughter lips she shushed her looking at the young woman whose face looked amused by their interaction. The mother was really like her own, motherly the young lady thought.

"No Mom's, love you have to eat. Now go seat there she will bring you something to eat. I know otherwise you will not eat at all."

"We have pizza in the fridge we didn't ate. I command two of them to have some in the morning. My mother tread, I wouldn't pass that! I can heat some if you'll like."

Nodding at her Amy was about to accompany Lana take a seat when she proposed to go with the girl, they knew each other for attending the same school. Giving her her consent the two disappeared behind another door certainly going to the house part.

Clearing her throat, Juliana had her arms crossed on her chest waiting for some kind of information her heart in knots when her sister turned to her a handful of  emotions on her face where disgust was the main one, doing the one who saw nothing she clenched her perfect jaw making herself looked intimidating which never worked on Amy.

Taking in her ravaging sister beauty she could understands what lure the young woman in, for a fifty years old woman her sister was the perfect description of a milf as they come.

Her stunning fit body had everyone drooling over her, already on highschool and college she was that way. In fact she got hotter than before, She was the contrary of the angel her look showed of her, heartless, a total utterly jerck with a woman features. Sucking her tongue, Amy shook her head, for this time she knew she couldn't let that be.

Her blue eyes met Amy's raged brown own where a storm of emotions was going on.

"So you fuck her and threw her to the road to fend for herself? How... How can you do something like that?!? I can... I can ... You promised to never do it again! Treat others women like garbage!" Before she couldn't ever process what was going on her sister said right in her face, hatred all over hers.

Her hand up in an attempts to calm her Juliana stepped back.

"What!? No I never..."

"That is you problem! You never do things, it is always others people fault. Culpability is written all over your faceee. How could you Jule? How could you treat someone like that? This went too far..." Pointing to the closed doors she lowly yell coldly her other finger poking in her sister chest.

"YOU went too far, you left her ALONE! Walking from you house to hers!? Those guys could have rape her or worse... You know they kidnapped woman like her to sell them expensively. You did THIS. You are a mother Juliana! You have a daughter who is older than her I'm sure she is younger than your son too. Why!? Why that much cruelty? I don't care about the age thing, but you knew better than to do that."

"It wasn't like that I didn't..." A stinging feeling burned her cheeks from a slap she didn't see coming, making her closed her eyes to not see her furious sister ones burning that hurt more than words or the slap.

"Take ownership of what you did. Don't get yourself lower than you already are. I'm disappointed. I really am... YOU have no idea. She doesn't even look her age, if you ask me I will said not higher than nineteen."

Taking in all her sister hatred, she couldn't say a word for she knew she disliked her lifestyle much for the safety of the women with whom she was involved. Rolling her tongue in her mouth she sucked it all in, when a phone started ringing in Eleanor bag. Hand shaking she took it out just to see it was her mother calling.

"Great! There is her actual mother, please do tell her what you did to her child. You out of everyone should know how it felt to be mistreated." Shaking her head at her big sister Amy sat in the nearby chair letting her with the burden of responding.

Clearing her throat she put the device on her ear.

"Hey, baby took you long to answer you have me worry here." A tender voice shooted through the phone a little scolding her.

Taking a sharp breath Juliana looked at her sister who nodded at her to go on.

"Hmm, excuse me Mrs MacArthur it is not you daughter, I..."

"What! How! Where is my daughter?!"

Panicked Sandra walked out of the small kitchen locking herself in the bedroom to no alarmed her others children in the living room at the same time Juliana tried her best to not cry on the phone, seeing her dischelve sister state Amy took the phone out of her hand.

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