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"Please can you tell me where I can find my daughter? She was admitted here yesterday."

Looking straight at the young girl who seemed to be not far from sixteen or seventeen, Sandra MacArthur scrunched her eyes very worried as she met limpid blue eyes.

Caught of guard, the teenager searched for her words for a moment stunned by the woman beauty, she wasn't even making it visible with makeup, it appears by the way she was simply clothed with a black blazer pants and a white dress shirt complemented by a simple jacket.

Lost in her head for a moment sitting on the porch of her house the Jill daughter was about to speak when two children popped theirs heads from behind the woman making it clear if it wasn't already the case who they were searching, they both was replica of her parents patient, it was clear they were related.

"Mama were is Elli? I want to see her..."

Turning to look at her 10 years old daughter the woman lost interest in what she asked the young lady who seemed to be far away for the in her thoughts.

She didn't knew what had her like that but two or three minutes above to answer couldn't harm, that made Eleanor face appeared in her mind, she always remind her that nothing else was more important than answering the silliest of the children questions they were always asking them.

"You will see her soon my love, wait only a little bit okay?"

Nodding her head Paula pulled her hands in her pants with and impatient face while the other child which seemed to be a boy much more younger gripped the woman hand pulling it to him.

"Ariel honey, you heard what I said to Paula, Elli is here we just need the young lady here to show us the way. Is that possible?" The end of her sentence was addressed to the young girl she still didn't knew the name.

"Sure ma'am, I'm Lisa Jill, my parents are the doctors and...yeah follow me if you may."

Showing the way that lead to the others side that clearly showed that it was a clinic. She saw the face the woman pulled.

"Do not worry Mrs heartland..."

"It's MacArthur, my daughter has her father name."

Not clearly understanding the dynamic of the answer, Lisa shrugged it off knowing it wasn't her business to dig forward, but addressed the woman a sorry smile.

"Oh sorry... Mrs MacArthur your not the only one to make the mistake. Normally when it's open the clinic gates are to the other side but sometimes when I don't close the gates quicker after one of my parents, like I did today our house gates are mistaken to the one of the clinic. You see because of the way its direct to the front"

Understanding what she was saying Sandra smiled sweetly at her oblivious to the way she made her heart react, the woman often had that effect on people but wasn't even aware of that, hence the reason of her divorce, the man was adamant that she really was oblivious of the effect she has on people.

Now she only has her mind always on her family, it didn't took Lisa long to figure as one perfect eyebrows arched at her questioningly at the way she seemed focused on her face, blushing a bit Lisa shook her head not understanding she wasn't even gay to be reacting like that, she scoffed in her head.

"Oh...hmm, this clinic is just an extension of the one in town, it's opened only Wednesday twice per month, that is when my parents are available."

Nodding at the teenager words Sandra wondered how her daughter will be able to afford the cost of what was a really expensive place, then she remembered her work was paying, not analyzing the part as to why? She kept walking behind the young lady who seemed to have a hard time finding her words for an unknown reason.
Maybe she had trouble or it was just a bad day?

Pushing the thought away she met Paula eyes then smiled tenderly at her which she reciprocated.

She then proceeded to wander her gaze around the marbles floor and the expensive items that furnished the place the moment they walked in the clinic

she wasn't even suprised to see that it looked nothing like a hospital, it was well furnished with a playground both for very young child and the preteens. Not acknowledging the space the two children looked at her impatiently.

"Mama can we see Elli now?"

"Mrs MacArthur? Yeah that must be you... WOW those two look like Eleanor."

Turning her head towards the voice that stopped her to answer her daughter, Sandra smiled at the woman coming their way accompanied by the one she identified as Juliana Harris her daughter boss.

Shaking hands with both she looked behind them to see if the doctors was following.

"Do not worry, doctor Jill checked on her fifteen minutes at least before you came, she can go back home now or today. You are lucky though she just woke up. You can see her then we will see if Mrs Jill can explain you the situation."

Listening to the woman for whom her Eleanor have been working for two years, Sandra just nodded felling calmer by the vibe she emitted it was like everything was okay with her daughter her voice was really different from the first time she heard her on the phone, that was what made her trust her at that moment.

"Thanks you Mrs Harris and you too." Looking at the one who certainly was her sister based on the same phone call and the resemblance between the  two, she stared at her children who  were barely able to stay calm.


"God, okay Paula take your brother with you, I will first talk to the doctor, alright?"

Nodding their head to the woman they smiled at the two others before going in the room they just exited running to her as soon as Eleanor figure appeared to them. Opening her arms with a big smile she hugged as tight happy to see them.

Looking tenderly at the small tolder untill the moment they closed the door behind them, the Harris sister's met gaze both knowing what it was to have children, their innocence and how protective it was to have one, that thought had Juliana being ashamed to maintain the woman whose gaze fell on her the moment her children entered the room where their sister was.

"Mom is in her office at home. If you want I can call her or you can follow me there."

The three women looked at each others, then shrugging Sandra gaze found Juliana as if relating to her making Amy pursed her lips silently, it seemed like all the family was drown to her sister.

"It's not a problem if we go there. Your mother already did a lot. If we can save her a trip?" Nodding at her sister words Amy followed proud of her.

"Ah... Ok then."

If someone told her that she would see the day when the Juliana Harris will not act as a rich diva that had it all she would have laughed. And there she was being all humble even the teenager face did a wear twist hearing that.

"You are saying she had to stay in that chair or seat for at least two months, eat healthier and everything will be ok?"

Nodding at all she was saying the doctor eyes never left Sandra, she knew the visual contact was important for the woman to not feel guilty, which she knew she was for not seeing it coming.

"More important is for you to not feel guilty but just make sure she eats, she needs all the meals of the day. Try your best to make it happen, the medicines which she has to take are strong. If she doesn't eat don't give them to her, that is if you..."

"Sure doctor I'm not going anywhere. I will do just that."

Shaking hands with the woman who escorted them back to the clinic part Sandra did her best to smile at all the women around at least grateful her child was still alive.

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