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"Mom? Wow! You should calm down you know I'm not going anywhere. You shouldn't have walked that fast to see if I'm alright. You know better than running in the stairs it's almost four level you did!"

Frozen for a moment at her daughter scolding voice, Sandra finally understood the problem, sighing in relief she took her time to close the door behind her locking it in the process.

Irritated at her mother's quiet response making silence filled the room in the process, Eleanor was about to stand up when when the older woman practically pushed her in the couch to avoid unnecessary mouvement of her knee.

"What are you doing honey? You know you cannot make it yet. Don't use your legs for nothing!"

"That is rich of you don't you think? I can't use my own legs but you can run in the stairs.That's the poor mocking the charity."

"Baby I never ran in the stairs you know that, i thought it to you. We jus arrived dawn at the same moment the bus did because of the elevator. That was easy to come back quickly. Plus the two are functioning."

Frowning at like she didn't heard it right the brown orbs met her mother similar ones happy for the new but aware of the taunting feeling that glued itself on the back of her mind.


"Mr Doug came very early when you were still sleeping to tell me the new, also that an handicapped parking will be available too by the end of today. I believe he was knocking at all the doors of the floor like it was a political campaign."

"Must be a good thing then Mama."
Laying down feeling weird about the new that meant that Juliana wasn't giving up the young woman turned her face to face the ceiling closing her eyes for a moment as she relieved the moment she had slapped her hand as she was climaxing, the way she looked at her afterwards all of that came back trashing, pushing to be acknowledged as water on a dig that was about to brake.

The way she mocked her saying her sexual abilities wasn't that good, did that things where the image would appear and disappeared twice then nothing leaving her panting.

"Love ? Baby? What is going on? Where are you hurt? Tell me!"

Removing the hand that she didn't remembered putting on her face, Eleanor stared at her mother not understanding her worries.

"Everything is alright Mom, I'm fine."

"I thought you were in pain. You whimpered like something was bothering you for a moment... Love you would tell me if something was wrong right?"

Taking a hold of the hand of her mother in hers, the young woman nodded kissing it, mentally crossing her fingers in her head, the lie she was clear for her. How was she abled to say something to her mother, she would understand and most importantly she didn't knew her preference.

"Sure Mom. I took all my meds, remember you made sure of that when we had breakfast. I'm just feeling really tired all of a sudden like i will sleep for hours." Yawning afterwards drowsiness in all her body she could feel the effects of the meds really kicking in.

Chuckling at her childish attitude that please her, Sandra covered her sleepy body kissing her forehead tenderly something she would always do to her every morning no matter what.

She knew how much her baby love her, she would do the long way for her anytime without questionning it all that matters was for her mother and siblings to be okay.

Going in the bedroom to take the basket of clothes, to do laundry, Sandra bit her lips thinking at what she could have done to give her daughter a better life, and actual freedom knowing there where no need to cry over it, she shook her head clearing her thoughts she was so grateful to have Eleanor that she always praise the Lord for it.

Unfolding the clothes near placing them by colors and fabrics on the red carpet she always used for it she thought back at how protective Eleanor has always been on her and her siblings she almost used all the savings she had to get her out of the chaotic marriage she had with her siblings father promising her that it will be alright that she didn't had to let someone mistreated her just because he was the one providing.

She did just that taking care of them refusing her to work in places where she would be treat the same or worse because all the works that she could do was in places where her physical attributes who make people think that she wanted something else.

Breathing out slowly getting on her knees to reach out for Eleanor clothes that she placed asides Sandra mind stopped fonctionning  for a moment thinking that she smelled the wrong perfume she made sure that the clothes she wore the previous day was in there, and indeed it was, she remembered folding them on the chair in the bedroom.

Taking the brown dress shirt she wore two days ago she put under her nose and instantly she remembered when she smelled it for the first time, that night when she covered her on the couch it was the only perfume that smelled on her and her daughter never used them her soap and shampoo and lotion was often the only thing coming from her.

Her heart bitting faster, she took a hold of the burgundy scarf she used which was more than the dress shirt covered by the scent like it bottle fall on it. Closing her eyes thighs she was about to get pass it thinking maybe they had to work today or something else that line when she saw red stain on the rather clear brown of her shirt hands trembling she gasped letting go of the clothes to fully sat on the floor devastated.

The way Eleanor reacted at the news of everything she said early or her quietness the previous day's was a slap for her mother who didn't understood how she was abled to open her door to the person that did that in her own house.

Starting with the younger children  clothes first she clenched her jaws a powerless inward remittance of her inability to protect her own child from the outside world striking her. All the attention the woman did toward them started taking all its significance, the way she cared was now doubtfully not simple that means she had ulterior motives.

Shaking her head Sandra knew to not peep a word to her daughter knowing if wanted to tell her she would have done it already. The worst was how she fell about Juliana Harris, she really like her but her doing wrong to her daughter was the only thing that she shouldn't have done all she felt at the moment toward was disgust what was sure was she wasn't about to let her near her child ever again.

"The nerves she had to do all she did faking her care when she was the one putting her in that situation."

Speaking her mind out Sandra could still fee the pinch in her heart reminding her that harris wasn't the only one to blame, she knew dip down that she herself could have done something with her bad manner of eating.

Being only a human she pushed the thought away her mind blaming the woman for what happened.

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