Tessa's Fun Day Of Babysitting

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    "Okay Mal come on! We're leaving now," Tessa called out to the little girl who was refusing to leave the indoor playground as she had promised her friend they could hang out, but the little girl was refusing to come down, so that they could leave.

"I don't wanna!" Mal called out from her spot making Tessa sigh as she wanted to go home. "Mal sweetie we have to. I promised my friend we would come get her soon besides it's almost quiet time," Tessa told the small girl not wanting to say the word nap time because Mal would get mad, but that's basically what it was.

Mal needed nap time otherwise she would get really cranky, but she hated it because it makes her feel like a baby when she's not a baby and in her mind she's a big girl despite her only being four years old.

"No! I don't wanna!" The small girl screamed out again causing Tessa to almost give up when she remembered something she had learned from the others.

"Okay fine I guess you can just stay here, but I gotta go. Bye Mal good luck. It's been fun," Tessa told the small girl as she started walking towards the exit causing the small girl to get scared as she couldn't tell that Tessa wasn't being serious.

"NO! AUNTIE TESSA PLEASE DON'T WEAVE ME! I DON'T WANNA STAY HERE I WANNA GO HOME WITH YOU!" The small girl cried out as she climbed down from her spot and grabbed her shoes as she quickly ran to Tessa and hugged her tightly with tears flowing down her tiny face.

Tessa immediately filled with guilt as she quickly hugged the crying girl back. She hadn't meant to make Mal cry like this; she just wanted Mal to come down, so they could leave. "Aw Mal I am so sorry. I would never leave you here, you know that right. I never should have done that. I just didn't know how to get you to come down. Can you forgive me," Tessa told the small girl as she was feeling horrible.

Mal just shook her head no while Tessa buckled her into her car seat. "You scared me Auntie Tessa!" The small girl told Tessa as she refused to accept Tessa's apology, making Tessa sigh as she hated making Mal upset and she hadn't meant to do that.

She forgot how sensitive Mal could be. "I know Mal I didn't mean to scare you is there anything that I can do to make it up to you," Tessa told the small girl, making Mal think for a little bit before shaking her head no.

"No I'm too mad at you," the small four year old told Tessa who smiled when she saw them pass by something that she knew Mal could never resist. "Oh well that's too bad because I was going to ask if you wanted some ice cream, but you're too mad at me anyway," Tessa told the small girl making her look at Tessa in shock as she wanted ice cream.

"I want ice cream! I'm not mad anymore! I want ice cream! Please Auntie Tessa I'm sorry for being mad at you please can we get ice cream still! Please! please! Please!" The small girl rambled out causing Tessa to laugh as she couldn't help it with how adorable Mal was being.

"You forgive me though right," Tessa asked Mal who nodded her head quickly making Tessa laugh again. "Alright then yes we can get ice cream," Tessa told the little girl, making her get really excited as she started bouncing around in her carseat.

"Yay! Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! Yay! Yay! Yay!" The small girl started chanting out as she made up her own song causing Tessa to laugh again as she found it too adorable to resist.

"Yeah so what kind of ice cream do you want?" Tessa asked the young girl as they had reached the ice cream shop. "Strawberry! Strawberry! Strawberry! I love anything Strawberry and Strawberry ice cream is the bestest! I love it so much!" The four year old rambled out excitedly as they entered the shop.

"Okay strawberry it is so cone or cup," Tessa playfully asked Mal who smiled as she pointed to the cone. "Cone! Mommy never lets me get the cone cause she says I'm too little for that, but I'm a big girl!" Mal told Tessa causing her to chuckle a little bit as she nodded.

Tessa was pretty sure Mal was going to make a huge mess with the cone, but that's what Mal wanted and Tessa didn't really care as long as Mal was happy. "Okay then one strawberry ice cream in a big girl cone right," Tessa playfully asked the little girl, making her jump up and down in excitement as she nodded her head.

"Okay come on let's go order it," Tessa told the small girl as she ordered Mal's ice cream and got something for herself as well. "Yay! This is so yummy!" The small girl cried out happily as she ate her ice cream getting it all over her face and hands.

"Yes it is, but now you're all covered in ice cream. Come on let's clean you up," Tessa told the small girl as she grabbed a napkin and wet it in the sink as she then carefully wiped it on Mal's face and hands to clean her up.

"Auntie Tessaaaaa stop it! I don't like that," The small girl whined out as she squirmed trying to get away making Tessa laugh again as she continued to try and clean up the squirming little girl.

"I know Mal I'm almost done. You don't want to be sticky all day and there we go all done," Tessa told the small girl as she finished cleaning up the sticky preschooler and then threw away the ice cream covered napkins.

"Finally! Auntie Tessa are we going home now," Mal asked Tessa once they had left the ice cream place and Tessa had buckled her back into her car seat again. "Yes we are but first we have to make one mpre stop to see my friend Georgie. And trust me Mal you're going to love her! She's the best," Tessa told Mal who nodded.

"Otay can you put on Frozen music now," the small girl asked Tessa, making her laugh at how little Mal was paying attention as she just wanted Tessa to play her Frozen CD. "Okay Mal I'll play your Frozen CD, but you have to promise to behave when you meet Georgie okay," Tessa told the small girl who just nodded as she just wanted her Frozen music.

"Okay here you go," Tessa playfully told the little girl as she put in Mal's Frozen CD and let the music play. "Yay! Frozen! Let It Go! Let It Go! Can't Hold It Back Anymore! Let It Go! Let It Go!" The small girl screamed out as she sang along to the music for a little bit before eventually getting sleepy as she fell asleep cuddled up with her dragon.

Tessa just smiled as she looked at the adorable little girl who was sleeping peacefully in her carseat as she carefully turned the music down a little not wanting to turn it off in case Mal woke up again.

She then continued to drive in silence to Georgie's house. Tessa smiled a little bit when they reached Georgie's house and just as she was pulling up the small girl began to stir as she rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"Aw hello sleepy head," Tessa playfully told the little girl who looked around in confusion for a little bit, making Tessa laugh again. "Where are we," the small girl asked Tessa in confusion making Tessa laugh a little as she unbuckled Mal.

"We are at my friend Georgie's house because we are picking her up, and then we can go back to our house. Now come on hold my hand," Tessa told the small girl as she grabbed her tiny hand and walked with her to her friend's door.

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