A Very Messy Break Up

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Author's Note: Hey everyone this is the long awaited chapter that a lot of you have been waiting a long time for. Just a warning this chapter does have mild language that I censored for the most part and it does have mentions of child abuse. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you thought and what you think will happen next.

  "Mommy I don't wanna stay with him," the small four year old whined out. It had been a few weeks since all of their sisters had moved in with them and Evie and Ava were meeting up with someone to try and buy a place for their new fashion brand that they had created together.

   Evie can't bring Mal because it's an important meeting. "Mal please everyone else is busy at work and doing other things. I know you don't like him, but I'm out of options please just give him one more chance," Evie begged out to Mal who crossed her arms.

    "I don't wanna stay with Meanie Dwarf Boy! I wanna go with you! Pwease mommy! Pwease don't make me stay with him!" The small girl cried out as she was desperate. She really didn't want to stay with Evie's boyfriend who was mean to her.

    Evie just sighed as she hated upsetting Mal, but she really was out of options. "I know sweetie, but you can't. It's okay it won't be for long I promise. I love you sweetie. I'll be back really really really soon," Evie told the small four year old who just nodded as tears fell down her face as she didn't want Evie to leave.

     "Aw sweetie. Please don't cry. It's gonna be okay. I love you. I hate seeing you upset. I really wish I could take you with me, but I really can't. I promise I'll be back really soon," Evie told Mal who just nodded again as she clung to Evie one more time before finally letting go.

       Evie then turned to Doug. "Doug I am trusting you with my most precious treasure. I am serious, do NOT do anything that you will regret! And by that I mean do NOT leave her at the store by herself, do NOT ignore her, and most of all do NOT and I mean do NOT neglect her and let her get into things or get lost! If anything happens to her we are done do you hear me!" Evie threatened out to Doug as she loved him, but her child came first and she was already one incident away from ending it with him despite her not wanting to because she still loves him.

       Doug just nodded as looked at his girlfriend. "Okay good well now that we have that settled. I'll be back really soon. Bye," Evie called out as she hugged Mal goodbye again and then quickly hugged Doug as well, making Mal fake gag while watching them.

       Evie just laughed as she pulled away and left while Doug just rolled his eyes in annoyance at the small girl. Once Evie left Doug just looked at the small four year old in disgust as he hated her.

        "Alright here is what is going to happen now! You are going to stay in your room! And if I see you come out you will regret it! And you better not tell Evie about this or your stupid dragon toy gets destroyed!" Doug threatened to the small girl making her start crying.

          "No! You can't do that! You're so mean! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" The small four year old cried out making Doug get even more annoyed and angry as he grabbed Mal by the wrist and forcefully shoved her into her room making the small girl cry more as Doug was hurting her wrist.

          "Stay in here! If I catch you out of your room it'll be worse! And don't think I won't do it again!" Doug told Mal with his malicious tone
making the small girl cry in fear as she remembered all the times Doug had gotten really angry at her while he was babysitting.

            He would give her owies and she would have to lie and tell everyone that she had gotten hurt playing at the park or falling. He never made them too obvious to where anyone would suspect anything and Mal was too scared to say anything.

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