Candy Land And Ice Cream

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Author's Note: I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this in a really long time. I keep trying to focus on my new stories, but I promise I will focus on all of them equally again from now on because I do miss writing this story and my others. And I hope you all enjoy this and please let me know what you guys thought as feedback is always helpful.

  Mal woke up in the middle of the night and smiled as she carefully climbed out of bed and made her way to the kitchen to find the ice cream. Mal always woke up earlier than Evie and that meant Mal had the freedom to do what she wanted as long as she was quiet enough to not wake up Evie.

   Just as Mal was reaching the freezer she heard something that made her freeze up. "Mal what are you doing," Tessa asked the small girl as Tessa happened to be up as well as she always had a hard time sleeping.

    The small four year old just froze as she looked at Tessa. She had forgotten about the others now living with them.

    "Um... I was just... thirsty, so I was getting some water. Why you awake?" Mal quickly told Tessa, making Tessa laugh as she could tell Mal was up to something, but decided to let it go.

     "Can't sleep. I've always had a hard time sleeping," Tessa told the small girl who looked at her in confusion. "Why?" The small four year old asked Tessa who smiled a little as she looked at the innocent little girl.

       "It's complicated, so why are you actually up?" Tessa asked Mal as she tickled her making her giggle. "Hehe stop that! It tickles! It tickles! Stop!" The small girl screamed out in between laughs making Tessa laugh more.

        "Tell me why you're actually up and I'll stop," Tessa playfully told the little girl, making her finally give in. "Otay I surrender! I was trying to get to the ice cream since mommy is always hiding it and doesn't let me eat it unless it's for special occasions," Mal told Tessa who just laughed as she looked at her.

          "That's all? Okay come here. I'll give you one scoop," Tessa told the small girl who smiled. "Really! You won't tell mommy!" The small girl exclaimed excitedly making Tessa laugh. "Nah it'll be our little secret, but you have to stay up with me and keep me company while you eat it," Tessa told Mal who smiled.

            "Otay! Can we play CandyLand?" Mal asked Tessa who laughed. "Well I haven't played it in a while, so you will have to remind me how to play, but sure we can play CandyLand" Tessa told Mal as she got out two bowls and filled them with ice cream.

             "Yay! I'll go set it up! It's my favorite game ever! I'm so good at it!" The small girl exclaimed excitedly again making Tessa laugh yet again as she was enjoying this bonding time with her new baby sister.

               When Tessa finished getting the ice cream she handed one of the bowls to Mal who smiled as she took it from Tessa. "Yay! Otay so to play CandyLand you just grab one of these cards like this and then you move to that color or that character. It's really easy!" The small girl told Tessa, making her smile.

                 "Okay, but what about the cards that make you go backwards?" Tessa asked the little girl when she started remembering more about the game. Mal just laughed as she looked at Tessa. "You're silly Tessa. They don't have those cards," Mal told Tessa as if what she just said was the craziest thing she had ever heard.

                "Yeah they do. I remember now," Tessa told Mal who looked at her in confusion. "I've never seen those cards before," Mal told Tessa who nodded as she figured Evie probably didn't use them because Mal would get upset.

                 "Okay well then forget I said anything. Let's just play," Tessa told the four year old hoping to change the subject. "No! I wanna use those cards too! I'm not a baby! I can handle them!" The small girl told Tessa who just sighed as she knew she shouldn't have brought up those cards.

                 "Mal are you sure? These cards can make you go all the way back to the start sometimes," Tessa told Mal who just gave her a confident look. "Yeah! I can do it! I don't want a babied down game!" The small girl told Tessa who sighed as she helped Mal set up the game while they ate their ice cream.

                   "I'm almost to the finish!" Mal cried out excitedly as they had been playing CandyLand for a while now and so far Mal had avoided having to go back. Tessa had to go back a lot though, but she didn't really care.

                     She was mainly just playing because Mal wanted to play it. Mal just quickly grabbed a card and looked at it in confusion as she didn't understand it. "Tessa what does this mean," Mal asked Tessa as she handed her the card.

                       Tessa just quickly looked at the card as she didn't know what to do. Mal had drawn a go back to the start card, but Mal was only two spaces away from winning. If Tessa told Mal she had to go back to the start Mal would probably cry and Tessa didn't want that. Besides Evie never played with those cards before.

                        Tessa just quickly put the card back and then smiled at Mal. "It means you get to go to the end!" Tessa told the small girl in her over exaggerated happy voice making the four year old excited. "Weally! I won again! Yay! I told you I was the best at CandLand!" The small girl shrieked out excitedly immediately waking up Evie and the others.

                        "Okay Mal what is going on? Why are you being so loud," Evie groggily told Mal as she was still barely awake and Tessa immediately grabbed her and Mal's ice cream bowls and threw them in the dishwasher, so Evie wouldn't notice.

                          "Mommy me and Tessa played CandyLand and I won again!" Mal told Evie excitedly making Evie laugh a little as she was still waking up. "Oh really?" Evie asked the small girl making her laugh. "Yeah! And we played it the real way!" The small four year old told Evie, making her confused for a second.

                             "What is the real way to play CandyLand," Lola asked as she was confused, making Mal laugh. "We played with the go backwards cards too!" Mal told the others, making Evie's eyes widen as she fully got up.

                                "What! Tessa there is a reason we don't use those cards!" Evie cried out, making April, Lola, and Ava all roll their eyes at how Evie was reacting. "Okay come on that's just babying her,"Ava told Evie, making Lola and April agree.

                                    "Okay well you won't be thinking that next time you play CandyLand with her and she ends up losing because of one of those cards," Evie told the others making them roll their eyes.

                                    "I think you're underestimating her," April told Evie who laughed. "Okay well I've been raising her for two years now and you've known her a few days. I'm pretty sure I know more about Mal then you do, but if you're really that confident about it then let's see! All of us right now we're gonna play CandyLand with the backwards cards too and we'll see how this turns out. We can even make it a bet!" Evie told the others who just laughed as they agreed.

                              "Okay it's settled! Let's do this!" Evie told the others as she already knew how this would go, but they had started this and she was determined to prove it as they all along with Mal sat down and reset up the game of CandyLane for their bet.

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