A New Friend?

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Author's Note: Hey everyone I'm really sorry for the long wait. Anyway this chapter will include Pumpkin again. I used her in Saving The Baby Dragon but I'm using her again and she's a White Maltese poodle mix pup. She belongs to annewheelerfab1 who is letting me use her OC and she is Georgie's puppy. Anyway, thank you to annewheelerfab1 for letting me use her OC in my story. You should really check out her stories, especially her Adventures Of Pumpkin book. It's really good and I love it. That's what inspired me to get permission to use Pumpkin because I loved her so much. Anyway sorry for the long note. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you thought.

   "Tessa," Georgie called out excitedly once she opened the door to see her best friend standing outside her door as she was happy to finally see her friend again. "Georgie," Tessa called out excitedly as well as she hugged Georgie who wasted no time in hugging back.

        Tessa was pulled from the hug though when she felt the small tug at her shirt as the small four year old was scared seeing the new girl and she was trying to cling to Tessa not wanting to be seen by the stranger.

         Mal wanted to cry though when that just did the opposite as Tessa just laughed and then picked Mal up. "Aw Mal do you want to say hi to Georgie," Tessa asked the small girl, making her shake her head no as she buried herself in Tessa's shirt, making both young adults laugh a little at how cute the small girl was acting.

        "Aw it's okay cutie I won't hurt you," Georgie told the small girl in her most gentle voice trying to calm Mal down, but it just did the opposite as Mal just clung tighter to Tessa as she started crying a little just wanting the attention off of her.

        Again this resulted in the opposite as it just brought more attention to Mal especially because it made Georgie feel guilty for accidentally making the young girl cry. "Aw Mal it's okay. She's my friend and she's really nice," Tessa told the four year old in her gentle voice trying to calm Mal down.

        "I know it can be scary to be in a new place huh. But it's okay. Maybe we should try this over again. Hi I'm Georgie and I'm your sister's friend," Georgie told the small girl making her giggle a little.

          She was still scared, but she was starting to feel a little better. Mal was about to respond when she was interrupted by Georgie's puppy Pumpkin who happened to walk by and see that her owner and Tessa who she was pretty close with as well were giving all of her attention to this random child she had never seen before.

          Pumpkin had no clue who this child was, but she didn't like how everyone was so focused on this small child and not even paying attention to her. "Hey you need to back up those are my people not yours," Pumpkin barked out hoping to intimidate the child, but instead it just did the opposite.

           As Mal was in complete awe at the fact that she had just heard a dog talk. "Doggy talks!" The four year old screamed out excitedly as she squirmed away from Tessa and ran over to Pumpkin.

           Pumpkin was about to get mad at the little girl as she was still mad that this child had just barged her way into her home and taken all of her attention away, but she couldn't do it once the little girl hugged her she felt warmth, but Pumpkin quickly pushed that feeling away as she would not let this child manipulate her.

           This was her home and those were her people; they did not belong to whoever this child was. "No, don't hug me! Who even are you!" Pumpkin barked out to the little girl making her giggle as she was so excited to be talking to a dog.

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