Chapter 18 - Failsafe Part 2

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Happy Harbour was dark and oddly quiet. The whole of America seemed to be quiet with the loss of their heroes. Inside Mount Justice, Martian Manhunter was sat on a cot still clutching his head, Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy and Miss Martian surrounded him talking about their game plan to defeat the aliens attacking their home and family.

"Our mission is clear. If we believe the aliens have been teleporting victims-" Robin started but was quickly interrupted by Kid Flash.

"We do."

"Then the only reasonable detention facility is here." he projects the image of the alien's mothership up in the Mountain on his holo computer built into his glove. "Their mothership. Atop what used to be Smallville." he turns to J'ohn. "Ring any bells?"

The older Martian slowly stands up and shakes his head in a 'no'. "No. I'm sorry." He quickly goes back to rubbing his head.

"Superboy, you'll create a distraction." Robin began.

"No!" M'gann shrieked as she turned to Superboy, "He's offering you as a sacrifice. Aqualad would never do that."

"Yeah, well, Aqualad is gone," Phantom snapped, "he sacrificed himself and left us without any direction, sure what he did was noble, but he left you lot to die. At least Robin has a plan."

"Right," Robin nodded to Phantom in thanks, "Superboy is the most likely to be perceived as a threat, motivating the aliens to deploy."

"Worst case, he's teleported inside, and we set him free along with Artemis. And, uh, Aqualad and everyone." Kid Flash assured. He took a glance at Phantom, who started to look more like himself after the panic attack. He was floating rather than standing, still not trusting his legs to hold his weight.

"Wait, what do you mean 'left you lot to die'?" M'gann whirled around to face the ghost teen. She was almost seething in anger at the whole situation.

"Have you really forgotten that I'm already dead?" Phantom deadpanned as he raised an eyebrow at her.

M'gann opened her mouth, looking like she was about to start yelling again when Superboy cut her off. "It's okay, M'gann. It's what Superman would do." She looked hesitant, then disappointed but didn't say anything else.

"Hey, so I have a question," Phantom interjected catching everyone's attention, "so, when you go silent then suddenly start talking about something new that definitely had context behind it, what's that about?" He called them out.

The other's looked at each other silently and exchanged glances. "You're not a part of the mind link?" Robin asked.

"Mind what now?" Phantom blinked as he stared at them. Robin, Superboy and Kid Flash all stared at Miss Martian for a moment, who sighed and shoved her hands into the air.

"Can you hear us now?" The voice sounded like Robin, but he never saw his lips move.

"What the fu-"

"He can hear us!" He stared at Kid Flash.

"So, you've been talking to each other through a telepathic link Miss M created?"

"Pretty much, yeah." Superboy answer for them.

"Cool." Phantom looks around the mountain nervously. He didn't like that they didn't just explain it to him with words, he would have preferred that having someone's voice suddenly pop up in his head. While they were all planning their next action, Phantom set up a small platform with cameras to broadcast a message across the world. He impressed himself, truthfully, Tucker would be proud. "Cameras are set up for you guys."

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