Chapter 6

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Gotham was just as gloomy as Danny had always imagined. The skies were a permanent grey with the clouds overcast, and it looked like that it could rain at any time, like the skies the city itself was grey, the skyscrapers looked as if they held no life. The only colour came from the giant green vine that was currently destroying the city. The flowers that were spouting off the vines were picking up cars that had been abandoned and were throwing them into the building. The ground was covered in rubble from where the vines had exited the ground and shattered glass that made it dangerous even to take a step.

It was worse than Danny had anticipated. Batman's attacks were in vain as more vines sprouted from the fallen ones, reminding him of the Greek myth of a Hydra, the monster that when one head was cut off another two would grow in its place.

Danny floated down just as Batman jumped out of his jet as a vine wrapped around it and crushed the poor machine.

"Batman." That's all he needed to say as Batman turned to face him. He nodded to Captain Marvel and Zatara to continue dealing with the vines, they nodded back and flew back up.

"Phantom." Batman had been fully aware of Phantom for the past year. He saw the good that he was doing in Amity Park and looked past what the media was saying about the young hero. The dark knight had even visited Amity to see how Phantom worked. Eventually, after a shaky introduction, he had left giving Phantom a League communicator in case he ever needed their help.

"Looks like you need help, where do you need me?" Danny knew it was best to straight be with the Batman. It would save wasted time where he could be useful.

"Bayou Bartholomew, Louisiana, the team are there, and they are taking on the Joker, Poison Ivy, Wontan, Black Adam, Count Vertigo, Automatic Skull and Ultra-Humanite. They call themselves the Injustice League."

Phantom nodded and flew off in the direction he knew Louisiana to be in. He saw the grassland slowly turn into a swampy landscape; he decided to fly just slightly above the tree line and turn invisible. He'd be no use to Batman's team if he were caught as soon as he was on the scene.

As he flew, he could see the mother plant. She was giant and could easily tower over any of the other vines he saw that day, right up until he watched blinking lights that turned it into a Christmas tree, and it all exploded. The mother plant turned orange and crumbled apart with nothing else to hold it up. He could see two figures standing on the glass roof where the mother plant had broken through the building, he didn't recognise the girl, but the other was unmistakably Batman's protege, Robin.

As he finally got to the sight of the fight, he saw the sorcerer, Wotan holding the team down with lightning-like magic. Phantom was having none of that, he fired his hands up with his Ghost ray and shot the green ecto-energy at Wotan's head. This only briefly disorientated Wotan, but it was enough for the team to free themselves, and as a duffle bag to fall from the skies.

"Show yourself!" Wotan screamed into the skies obviously calling for Phantom but not knowing what or who hit him. The Villains and Heroes went silent. Phantom could see Kal zip back up the duffle bag hiding something that was gold; the villains were looking at their comrade as if he had grown another head. But the heroes took this opportunity and starting their fight against the Injustice League while Wotan started shooting out magical energy in every direction in hopes of hitting his assailant. Phantom dodged every single beam.

"You looking for me, old man?" Phantom's voice bellowed. He let down his invisibility right in front of Wotan's face, making the man gasp and float back just slightly. The others were too involved in their fights to take notice of the new player on the field.

"You are merely a child, how did you-"

"Rude, I'm a teen actually." A magical ray shot straight for Phantom. Without a second thought Phantom put up an ecto-shield, the beam split in two as soon as it came in contact with the shield.

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