Chapter 36 - Cryokinesis Awakening

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Billy squeezed tightly, not wanting to let his brother go, not when the man that had been tormenting Phantom was right there. Maybe if he could keep Phantom in the hug he would be safe from everything outside of it, Billy wished could keep the rest of the world out. Phantom had gone completely stiff in the ten-year-old arms almost like he had turned into a statue.

John Constantine stood in front of his two kids. There was no denying it at this point, they were his kids and there was nothing he could willingly do about it. He blocked the sight of them from the vampire looking fucker floating in front of them. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, they all just heard his voice then there he was, floating in the air about 20 feet away from them.

"So, you're the fucker that kidnapped Casper?" This got mixed reactions from all of them. Most of the league joined John where he stood, creating a makeshift blockade, while the team looked at Phantom with shocked concern and in Aqualad's case, guilt. He had accused Phantom of not helping and not understanding why.

"You make it sound so sinister, I prefer surprise adoption." Plasmius grinned showing off his sharp teeth.

"Phantom, no, please stay down, you're in no state to fight." Upon hearing Billy's voice Constantine turned around to check on them. Billy was trying to keep Phantom down as the teen stumbled to his feet.

Phantom, unlike his ghost half, looked pale, he had sweat rolling down his temple like just the motion of standing up was too much effort. He had a hand clutched over where his heart would be and the other leaning on Billy so he could use the smaller boy to help him stand.

"This is my fight." Phantom's voice was slow and slurred showing his exhaustion.

"You can barely stand let alone fight, stand down." Aqualad walked forward so he stood in front of the teen.

"Come now, Daniel, stop with this nonsense, come home and this can all go away." Plasmius tried to coax though he knew that it wasn't going to work.

Robin's brain was working overtime. First Captain Marvel who was actually a ten-year-old named Billy, burst into the mountain after the news report of the missing teen Danny Fenton, then Cap told them that Danny was like a brother and needed help to get him out. How did they meet? Constantine! Phantom mentioned going to a party, he even came back to the mountain with a hangover- Phantom asked Billy for a hug from his brother.

"You're Daniel Fenton." Robin blurted out and quickly covered his mouth. He couldn't believe he just said that, out loud, for the whole league to hear. Phantom looked up through his limp white bangs to the boy wonder.

"That took longer than I thought for you to realise that, though you realised that the other day, but did you have to tell everyone." Phantom's voice had lost its echo and was more mumbled.

"Sorry, it sort of came out." The rest of the team stared at Phantom.

"Danny?" M'gann asked. It was taking all her willpower to not crush the teen in a hug, her friend was here and safe, he was with them the whole time.

"Yeah, hey."

"Wha- what?- But- But how?" Kid Flash stuttered out, "Danny was black hair, blue eyes and is alive."

"Half alive actually, half-dead, already told you how it happened." He raised fully to his feet. Stumbling slightly, Billy grabbed his arm to steady him.

"You don't need to fight him, Phantom," Flash started, "You have nothing to prove." 

"None of you knows how to fight ghosts, I'm the only option."

Phantom floated up in the air, he was now at the same eye line as Vlad who was grinning maniacally at him. Vlad raised his arms and three more of him appeared.

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