Chapter 13

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"Woah, Woah, calm down Casper," John was never particularly good around children, especially around panicking children that just so happened to be somewhat dead as well.

"Calm Down! How the fuck can I calm Down? Your girlfriend just told me that I'm still gonna turn evil!" Phantom's breathing came out as rapid gasps of air like he couldn't get enough to fill his lungs. He was no longer floating and had slowly set himself on the ground where he was gently rocking himself back and forth.

"Oi, she's not my girlfriend." John started his retort.

"That's seriously what you're focusing on! That I called Miss Zed, your girlfriend." Phantom rocking a hole into the ground had, thankfully, stopped and he was staring at John with a mix of disbelief and shock. Phantom clutched a tuff of his white hair as he laughed maniacally.

"I think that calmed him down," John murmured.

"You said that on purpose, why am I not surprised." Zed had her arms crossed as she addressed John. She had no idea what to do or how she could help the panicking teen, but it seemed that John was doing just fine.

Phantom's breath came out in steady puffs, none of the adults in the room worried that he was going to hyperventilate now that he seemed to be calm.

"So, what was that freak out about?" John asked as he finally lit his cigarette and leant against the rotting table next to Zed.

"That's gonna take a lot of explaining."

"We have time." Chas broke out of his silence.

"We do no-"

"Shut it, John," Zed butted in before John could finish. "Go ahead. It may be better than keeping it all to yourself."

"Ok, so you know how last time we met you said that you could sense that I wasn't fully a ghost?" Phantom had taken up sitting on the ground with his legs crossed under him. He still couldn't move outside the summoning circle.

"Yeah, I remember that you gonna tell us you half fairy or something? Cause, no offence, but you kinda have that glow about you." John took a drag from his cigarette and tapped off the burnt end before putting it back up to his lips.

"Funny, but no, I'm half-human-half-ghost."

"You're pulling our legs, right? There's no way in hell that a half-ghost, half-human hybrid can exist." Phantom's face had turned entirely neutral, void of any emotion as he stared down John. When John finally looked up and made eye contact with the ghost teen, he found that he couldn't look away, then suddenly there was a bright ring surrounding the kid, it was so bright that he, Chas and Zed had to look away and cover their eyes. When they looked back, they found a kid that looked precisely like Phantom with just reversed colours and no jumpsuit. "So, not pulling our legs then. I need a whiskey for this headache that's about to appear."

"How-" Chas was cut off.

"My parents were ghost tech inventors, like, ridiculously smart, and one day they attempted to build a portal to the ghost zone, but it didn't work. So, my two of my friends and I took a look, I put on a jumpsuit and went inside the portal." Danny took a deep breath, "it turned out the on switch was inside the portal and I accidentally turned it on." Danny could feel the phantom feelings of electricity running up and down his body and shivered at the sensation. He was, after all, electrocuted to death and brought back to life by the same electricity.

"So, your mom didn't fuck a ghost then?" That had genuinely made Danny laugh. The thought of his ghost hating mother getting even somewhat friendly, let alone intimate with a ghost was an image he would never expect.

"Definitely not." Danny stood up and walked out of the summoning circle, which caused John to drop his cigarette. "But the vision you saw, Clockwork told me about that possible future, my human half and my ghost half gets ripped apart, as well as Vlad's and the ghost half combined creating an evil me in the future that basically terrorises the world."

"That's why you freaked out, cause if I saw that there's still a chance it could happen." Danny meekly nodded in reply to Zed.

"As great as this backstory is, we still need help with the situation in-"

"Alright, I get it, Chas. Look, Casper-"

"My names Danny by the way."

"Casper, we have a situation with ghosts terrorising this small town, we don't know where they came from or why they suddenly turned up, but fancy lending a hand since you're apparently the King an all?"

"Sure, so what town are we in?" Danny dusted off his legs from where he was sat down.

"Madison, New York." Sighing at his cigarette on the ground, he took out a silver flask that was tucked into the inside pocket of his mac coat.

"Have you tried salt and burn?"

"Salt and what now?"

"Salt and burn, you find the graves of the ghost, pour salt over the corpse and burn it till there's nothing left."

"That sounds barbaric!" Zed exclaimed, horrified at the idea of digging up someone's grave.

"Well yeah, that's why only some hunter uses it, otherwise I tend to capture them and send them back to the Ghost Zone."

"I'm sorry, Ghost Zone? What the blooming hell's a Ghost Zone?" John had a lot of questions today, doesn't he?

"It's the plane of existence where ghosts reside. Is the questioning over so I can get this over and done with?" Danny had taken up to shuffling slightly and trying to see anything out of the broken windows. Surprisingly it was already turning dark outside, though he shouldn't be too surprised, it was autumn after all. The three of them nodded, although John looked more than displeased with the whole situation.

"Beware! -"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me! You called the king of the ghosts to deal with Boxy?!" Danny was massaging his temples; he could feel a banger of a headache coming along.

Box Ghost floated through the floor of the warehouse. "I am the Box Ghost! I have power over all containers cardboard and square."

"He was throwing boxes around in homes and causing trouble, how were we supposed to know that he wasn't a real threat. Plus, there was that ghost that's been frying all the tech around." Chas exclaimed.

Danny sighed as he pulled the backpack from his back, he still had if on from school earlier and opened the bag to begin searching around it. "Boxy's not a problem, but Technus might be. He has the ability to control machinery and computers." Danny pulled out the Fenton Thermos and swiftly sucked Box Ghost up into it.

"You make it look way too easy." John groaned.

"Perks of being a ghost hunter's son, so, I've got a plan."

"Lay it on us, Casper."

"We set up something techy here, I'll fly around and get Technus' attention and lead him here, he'll try to escape using the tech, but you put that weird circle trap so that he can't go anywhere, and I'll take care of him with the thermos." Danny laid out the plan simply making sure all of them could understand it.

"Got it, I presume the tech has to connect to the internet or have some kind of wiring so that he can think he can escape." Zed began.

Danny nodded as he changed into his alter-ego.Leaving the three of them to kick into action while he shot out of the roof,intent on scoping out the town of Madison.

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