Chapter 31

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The TV was quickly shut off and the only sound that the team could hear were the sobs of their resident Martian.

"Guys?" The team jumped slightly, not expecting to hear Captain Marvel's voice, though they shouldn't have been surprised he was one of their den mother's after all. "Did I just hear that new report right? That Psycho really has Danny?" If the team didn't know any better they would have said that Cap had sounded desperate and almost disbelieving.

"Yeah, you heard right, Bat's and I had to take him back." Robin's voice was so soft that it was barely louder than a whisper.

"Did you know him?" Asked M'gann once she had calmed down.

"I do, he's sort of like a brother to me." Captain Marvel responded.

M'gann knew Danny was lying at school. She knew he was lying about his home life, he was lying about so much. She could feel his pain, his overwhelming sadness and grief, but most shocking of all she could feel his intense fear. Every day he was at school he was downright terrified of something or someone. She had figured with Danny telling him that his parents were strict that there might have been some form of abuse going on at home, in fact, she had taken to writing down his emotions every day and the intensity of them just to get some proof and get him help if he ever confided in her. She was planning on always being there for him if he needed it, she knew being there twenty-four-seven was impossible since she was a part of the young justice team, but she'd give it her best damn shot.

Now she knew he was probably with the source of his fear. It tipped M'gann over the edge, Danny, her friend, was with the person he feared the most.

"How did you two even meet?" Artemis asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. Sure she never met the teen, but she didn't understand why her friends, was acting like that.

"There was a Halloween party John took us to a little while ago, we both ended up drunk and John had to take him back to Mystic manor."

"John, as in John Constantine?" Robin asked sitting up slightly from his slouched position on the sofa. Cap only nodded in response. "How does he know Constantine?" Robin muttered mostly to himself.

"Shit does John even know."


John did in fact know. The news had just finished playing as an unlit cigarette dropped from his mouth.

"Chas, get your gun and get ready!" John called out into Mystic Manor. Damn Billy for calling it that and getting the name to stick.

John threw on his mac as he opened a portal to Billy's exact location.

"Oi, ki-" He stopped himself as he took in his surroundings. He was at Mount Justice again, it seems like it was becoming a habit for him to teleport here. And in front of the mini League again, this was becoming a stupid habit that his the kids were making him do.


"Did you see the news?" Marvel cut him off

"That's why I'm here you dumbass, Chas is getting his guns ready, Zed is ready to fight that bitch of a man, and I'm angry enough to consider selling my soul to get the kid out of there." Marvel smiles at his magic teacher, he knew the brash brit had a soft spot for his half-dead nephew. Not that he would ever admit it.

"Guns?" Connor asked feeling slightly disturbed that this stranger was willing to shoot a man for his friend. Yes, friend. Connor might not trust Danny because he was always lying, at least he knows the reason why now, but that doesn't mean he doesn't see the smaller teen as a friend.

"If what Danny told me was right then we're gonna need a full arsenal to get the kid out."

"We want to help," M'gann spoke after a few moments of silence. An obvious mind discussion happened moments prior.

And thus the planning began.


Danny curled in on himself in the corner of the bedroom Vlad had pushed him in and locked behind him. As soon as Danny enter the mansion days prior, out of the sight of the dynamic duo Vlad had put a modified Plasmius Maximus on him, acting as a belt. No matter what, with that damn device on him he couldn't use any of his ghost powers or change into his alter ego. And he couldn't take it off without the key.

The bedroom he was currently in was large, to say the least, a queen-sized bed with white sheets and a large white and gold headboard was flush against the wall, there was a desk and a new notebook opposite it, a walk-in wardrobe was near the door and opposite that was his own en-suite. All of his belongings were still Dash's house and the rest at Mount Justice. His phone was at Dash's place, he had nothing, no way to contact anyone, no mirror that could contact John, no laptop, no phone. Danny was trapped, with seemingly no way out.

The Mansion was unusually quiet since Danny had woken up on his fourth day there. On the other days, there was always some kind of sound, Vlad blasting something or breaking something in annoyance. There was always noise, and now the quiet unnerved Danny.

Uncurling himself, he made his way to the door and tugged on the doorknob, still finding it locked. He walked over to the window and drew open the thick curtains. The sun was shining in the sky, not midday and still close to the east, maybe ten or eleven o'clock if he were to guess since there was no other way to tell the time. He tugged on the belt seeing if there was any chance of it coming off, again, how many times had he done that now? He lost count. There was no give.

"Halfa?" Danny quickly spins around almost scared by the new voice. He comes to face who he could only explain as a stereotypical nerd but in a black and white ghost form. He sighs out a breath of relief.

"Poindexter, you scared me for a moment there, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, I thought you hated Plasmius."

"You think I'm here by choice?" Danny almost scoffed.

"Then why don't you just change and fly away."

"I would if I could, Poindexter," He lifts his hoodie up slightly to show the shiny metal of Plasmius Maximus, "This thing doesn't let me transform."

Sidney moves closer to the halfa, he pokes at the device, turns it intangible and pulls it off the other. "How bout now?" Danny tested it out. He could feel a chill run through his entire body as he turned into Phantom.

"Thanks, dude," he paused for a moment, confusion was still rattling his brain. Why was Poindexter here? How did he know Danny was here? "You know, you still haven't answered my question, what are you doing here?"

"I was actually looking for Plasmius," He sighed as he looked around the room, flipping through the empty notebook, "See if he could figure out what the heck was going on."

"And what's going on?"

"Young Blood is having a field day, all the adults have disappeared."

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