Chapter 4

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That Monday went on too long for Connor Kent. The new kid, Danny, was way too suspicious for his liking. He kept lying throughout the day, and one thing he learnt is that you don't trust liars. M'gann and Connor made their way back to the mountain, both of them were weary from the day and dreading the homework they would have to do once they got back.

They got halfway through their math homework, twenty algebra questions, before the rest of the team made their appearance. One by one each of them trickled in, first to come in was Artemis who had brought her homework and had started on it alongside the other two. Soon after came Robin who immediately started working on something from his holographic computer that was built into his glove, he had barely said anything to the other before going into some intense research. Then Kaldur came in and instantly headed into the training room, to test out a new technique he had recently discovered. Lastly and most ironically, Wally came in last, running straight for the kitchen.

Connor couldn't keep it in any longer; he had to talk to M'gann about Danny. "You can't talk to him anymore." He yelled out, making M'gann and the rest of them turn to him.

"Is Connor jealous of someone talking to Megalicious?" Wally asked in between stuffing chips into his mouth.

"Do you mean, Danny?" Connor nodded his head to her, "why? What's wrong with him now?"

"He was lying the entire time he spoke to you." His statement was simple; he didn't even look up from his homework as he spoke.

"Why- why would he lie?" M'gann suddenly felt overwhelmingly disappointed. Robin, who was typing incisively on his holo computer, had now stopped and was listening intently.

"Did you say, Danny? Do you have his last name?" He asked, looking up at M'gann.

"He said it was Soucie," She finished off her homework and gave Robin her full attention, "though if Connor says he's lying, that might not even be his name."

Robin gave this more thought; he was looking into what had happened in Amity Park, with the Nasty Burger explosion. Everything that had happened there had happened too fast, the police and social services were too quick, and the billionaire Vlad Masters was too involved in the case. Recently Masters' had made a public plea to help find his godson, which in itself seemed innocent but there was something about him, his body language maybe, or the way he spoke made Robin think that the plea wasn't as innocent as it seemed.

"What did he look like? This Danny kid?"

"He was so nervous, think it was just first day jitters, humans get those right?" She asked before focusing back on the question Robin had asked her, "well, he had black fluffy hair, really icy blue eyes, he was kind of small, you know and quite skinny as well."

"That sounds like a kid I met a couple of days ago," Wally spoke as he jumped over the back of the couch to sit next to Robin.

"Wait; what? Explain?" Robin's focus was now fully taken off of the holo computer.

"So, like a couple of days ago after that mission in India, I went out for snacks, we didn't have any in the mountain, and you know how fast my metabolism is. Well, when I got to this corner shop, it's the stand-alone kind, not the chain kind, it also has the best food at ridiculously good prices, the chips there are to die for-"

"Wally, you're getting off track." Artemis pitched in, wanting him to get to the point.

"Right! So, like, just as I'm about to enter this kid comes out, fluffy black hair, icy blue eyes, his was really apologetic, constantly saying sorry even though I caused him to drop all of his stuff. But he was really skinny and small, and I thought he was like Rob's age, not a high schooler. I'm not going to lie he kind of gave this homeless vibe." Wally ended his explanation drooling slightly as he thought about those chips.

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