Chapter 27

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The League had to have a training day for the Young Justice League that day after Halloween. Apparently, it was a perfect time since all the young heroes were aching and had many regrets from the night before. 

"Where is Phantom?" The full team as well as Batman, Flash and Black Canary were gathered in the training room.

"He didn't come back last night," Superboy answered for them. He had kept an ear out for the ghostly teen all night, in worry and hopping the teen was safe.

"We'll have to start without him then." Canary nodded to Batman's statement.

"We'll be pairing you up, your aim is to find a way to take your weakness and make it your strength." Black Canary explained, "your partners are, Wally and M'gann, Artemis and Kaldur', Robin and Connor. First up is Wally and M'gann, take your places."

The first spar went smoothly, M'gann bested Wally within ten minutes. She used her flight to her advantage and caught him off guard when he started to speed up. The next spar went much the same, Kaldur' used his water whips to catch Artemis's arrow and send them back her way, encasing her lower body in foam. Now the third and final fight is where it got interesting, Robin was using his small size and speed to his advantage whilst Connor was trying to land slow heavy punches, Robin finally caught Connor off guard from behind but the spar was suddenly interrupted.

A bright glowing portal opened up in the middle of the sparring ring, out stepped John Constantine from the glowing portal and quickly after him, Phantom came tumbling out, tripping over nothing and face planting the floor, he made no effort to get up as the portal closed.

"You alright, Casper?" John asked the teen on the floor, ignoring their audience for the moment. Phantom made a noise that was probably a response but was unintelligible to anyone. 

"Constantine," John turned around to face the man dressed as a giant bat, "Why are you here?"

"Nice to see you too, mate. Ya know, I was in the neighbourhood, thought I would pop by and see if ya wanted a cup of tea." John lightly tapped Phantom, who was still face planted on the floor, with his foot. Just to make sure the teen hadn't fully died on him. He got a groan in response and thought that was good enough.

"What did you do to Phantom?" Batman, completely ignoring John's sarcasm, asked.

"I didn't do anything to the kid, he's probably just hangin' out his ass," John replied.

"You got him drunk?" Black Canary asked as she looked like she wanted to run to the poor boy.

"Not me, mate. I warned him not to take the drinks, but kids don't really like to listen to me."

"Oh, I wonder why that is?" Flash commented as he knelt beside Phantom to try and help him onto his feet.

"Not drunk, just drank juice," Phantom spoke as he turned his head and opened his eyes, he quickly closed them again as the light assaulted him.

"That was mead, Casper."

"Does mead have alcohol in it?" He asked as he finally stood up with Flash's help.

"Yeah, buddy." The Flash slung one of Phantom's arms around his shoulder to keep the boy steady.

"I wasn't this bad at the manor?"

"You wasn't, but hangover plus first-time portal will leave you feeling like shit."

"Please don't swear in front of the team, John." Canary scolded.

"I can be nice or not swear, but I can't do both." Canary sighed at his response and almost begged the gods the smite the cocky brit.

"I'm going to take Phantom to his room," Flash spoke as he helped a staggering Phantom out of the training room and to his own room down the hall. As soon as the door closed to Phantom's room he changed back into Danny and flopped onto his bed.

"Danny, are gonna have to have the alcohol talk," Flash asked as he took off his mask.

"Please no-" Danny started as he pulled a cushion close to himself.

"You know underage drinking can be really bad for your health and there are so many consequences that come with it. But now isn't the right time to talk about this, get some sleep and we'll talk about this tomorrow." Barry sighed as he watched Danny snuggle into his bed. Barry could at least grant him kindness and take off his shoes and tuck him in. "G'night Danny."

"Night Dad." Danny slurred, he wasn't complete with it, in fact, he had no idea what he had just said. But Barry had heard it plain as day. It had stopped him in his tracks as he looked at the kid and smiled. Barry pulled his mask back on and made sure to turn the lights off as he left the room.

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