Chapter 25 - All Hallows Eve - Part 2

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The school party raged on. Except when Martin tried to trick the whole school, an alien invasion took place outside and tried to lock all of his schoolmates inside the gym. That was the only downside to the party, but the team took care of that. And the party raged on.

Danny took a sip of punch from a solo cup as he pretended to listen to a story Peter was telling the group about the drama club. He couldn't focus on the story as every few seconds Wally kept looking at him, with a light blush on his face. It was obvious the speedster was embarrassed, but that just made Danny want to mess with him more. When Wally took a glance at Danny, he winked at the speedster and flipped his hair over his shoulder. It was definitely worth it. Wally went a bright shade of red and quickly looked down into his own solo cup.

Now as Wally was trying to be subtle with his glances Robin was not. Robin was full out staring at the ghostly teen. Blue eyes met shaded ones for a moment before the lights of the gym came on and the music stopped. Indicating that the time was after ten pm and the Halloween party was over. Everyone was quick to disperse, leaving only some volunteers to clean up after the party.

"Danny?" Karen called over to the very dressed up teen. He flipped his very long, very annoying hair over his shoulder and turned to face the girl. How do girls even deal with that much hair? he somehow had a newfound respect for Paulina and every female with long hair.


"You joining us? We're heading to an after-party at Taylor's place, apparently, his parents are away on a business trip." She asked as she gestured to the others with her head.

"Sorry, I can't," He could see the look of disappointment on his friend's faces, "my parents are home this weekend and I promised them we'd watch horror movies like we use to." It was a sweet story, an easy lie to slip into about his fake parents. But Connor caught on to the lie, Danny hadn't lied about anything in weeks, but he could hear the smaller teen heart rate pick up. Why would he need to lie about getting out of going to an after-party?

"Ok, Danny, we'll see you Monday," Karen called as she headed back to the others, whilst the others waved goodbye to him. Nobody thought anything of Danny walking alone on the dark streets dressed as a very pretty teenage girl. Connor nor Megan had ever seen the dangers of that before and the other knew he was a boy dressed as a girl. He was a boy. So, surely he would be completely fine.

Danny whipped out the mirror that John had given him, from the black suede handbag. After a moment he saw John's face appear in the small mirror.

"Casper-! Wait, who are you?" John's cheeks were tinted slightly red and had a definite slur on the e's.

"It's me, John, I've just been dressed as a girl this Halloween." Danny rolled his eyes.

"Ooo, female Casper. If you turn into the ghost will you still look like a girl?" Danny stopped walking at that. Would he look like himself or like herself? Well, there was only one way to find out.

"I dunno- Where's the party at again?"

"You still in Happy Harbor?" Danny quickly nodded in response, "great, go to the Mad Yak Cafe, I'll meet you outside." The mirror quickly went blank and he shoved it back into his handbag. Oh, gods, it's now his handbag. Not his sister's, his mom's or his friends. His. And he can't in any good conscious throw a perfectly good outfit and extensions away. Screw it, he's gonna mess with his friends for a while.

As Danny walked down the street he noticed many older trick-or-treaters going door to door, receiving candy in their tattered pillow sacks that had been decorated to look like ghosts. He looked around and slipped into a deserted alleyway. He hid away behind a rusted fire escape.

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