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Chapter 108.1
"He wrote it, Grandma." She recognized his handwriting.

Another moment of silence ensued. Grandma Liu sat for a while before she slowly got up and headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, mumbling, "This boy, how come he didn't even tell us he was leaving? At least, I could have prepared something for him to take with him. Is it because he's afraid we'll stop him if he tells us? Just hitting the road without even a little plate for the road, doesn't that worry us ..."

Liu Yusheng hung her head and said nothing.

She knew that Grandma was sad.

The child that she truly and sincerely treated with all her heart and soul left without warning. Has he ever thought about how her family would feel?

And it didn't even seem like dawn when he left.

Grandpa Liu sighed, "It's fine. Just let him go. The child should have thought it through since he left a message. There must be something he wants to do once he goes back. He probably didn't want to bid us farewell personally because of the sadness of parting. Don't think too much about it  and get back to work. Axiu has grown up. He has his own way of doing things, so we shouldn't worry blindly."

"Dad, how about this? I'll go to the town and the county later to look for him. Axiu left alone, so he shouldn't have walked far enough within this half hour. Maybe someone has seen him." Liu Dalin mulled over it and suggested.

"Okay. Don't wait until later. Go now, ask everyone and borrow Li's ox cart. Buy something on the street to pad your stomach if you're hungry."

Liu Dalin pocketed some money and went out the door. At the end of the day, the old man still wasn't satisfied and couldn't help but say, "Had I known, I could have bought a big black horse, so the journey is a  lot faster."

"I've been thinking about it for a while now too. But can ordinary families buy horses? This end pays, and we could end up going on a trip to the government office." The old woman gave him a blank stare as if to vent her pent-up frustration.

"Look at you, you're taking this seriously. I'm just saying in passing." The old man softened. Of course he knew that horses were only bought by people of status and restrictions were imposed on ordinary people.

He was also anxious when he said that, and he blurted it out in a spur of the moment.

That morning, the atmosphere in the entire Liu courtyard was depressed.

Meanwhile, Axiu and his party had already disguised themselves and boarded the cargo ship that was heading towards the capital.

"The ship will dock at Xiangzhou Port. We will turn to a trail for a drive to Xuzhou, and take another boat there. As long as we attract little attention, we won't be discovered. We will be able to reach the capital in twenty-five days." Wei Zi took out the map and reported the next route.

Axiu leaned back at the edge of the cabin, tilted his head to look at the waves of the crystal river outside. "After arriving in Xuzhou, take the main road. There's no need for cover up."

"Prince, this will lead to danger! We don't have much time. We have to get back to the capital in the shortest possible time. Taking the waterway will save a lot of unnecessary trouble." By taking the avenue and not covering it up, the prince was clearly using himself as a living target to draw the enemy towards him!

"I didn't ask for your opinion, just do as you're told." The young man's words were faint, and his eyes remained unruffled.

Wei Zi reluctantly shut his eyes. "Yes, I'll do as you wish!"

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