Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty-Two

The remaining eight contestants scanned the area and grabbed the weapons on the ground. Quickly, Sephy picked up the crossbow she had used. She was unsure for a moment before taking a tighter grip on it. Sephy exchanged worried expression with Alec as they both looked at Clint's wounded leg and pale face.

“What are you waiting for?” He began to limp, using Alec for support. Sephy began to move along with them, taking Clint's arm around her shoulder.

“The final Arena? This is it?” Sephy questioned him, still in disbelief; were they really there, in the final Arena? Alec narrowed his eyes and shrugged, letting Clint jump over a piece of debre.

“Apparently.” Clint winced when he stumbled a little. Sephy bent her knees under his weight. She glanced around at the other contestants, all of them had left the round arena and started into the forest; no one was ready for a fight so Sephy knew it was their time to get ahead.

Rushing to the entrance of the jungle, she lifted the crossbow into the air and searched for a target. Running away, Sephy saw Martin. She shot an arrow at him but missed him. She cursed loudly. Beside her Clint and Alec caught up with her.

“Are you okay?” She asked Clint. “We should take a look at your-” Sephy fell to the ground. She pressed her palm against her head and looked around herself. Alec and Clint stood above her, glaring into the distance. Alec gripped Clint's tridant in his hand, getting ready to strike anyone he had to fight. When Sephy followed their glares she put her own one on. The small rock lay beside Sephy's hand. She stood and took Clint's weight on her shoulder again.

“Your little boyfriend is dead now so there is no one to protect you anymore!” Swithin shouted, juggleing two more rocks in his hands.

“You're all talk and no walking, Swithin. How many people have you actually fought in here?” Clint taunted. Alec whispered low enough for only the three of them to hear.

“Don't. We aren't ready to have a show down. Let's just get out of here and figure everything out.” He reasoned.

“There isn't anything to figure out. We fight whenever we get the chance.” Sephy told him, angry. The side of her head ached and bled from where the rock hit her. Standing in the broken wall, Jensen and Swithin stood together, facing the forest. Sephy could only imagine what was in the Arena, now.

“Sephy, you know Gage would have wanted you to win and for that to happen, you need to stay alive.” Sephy's throat tightened and her face went hard.

“Yeah, well Gage is dead. He left us here to finish this and he decided to give up, so excuse me if I want to do this quickly.” Sephy went to advance on Swithin but Clint took a hold of her arm.

“Don't be stupid about this.” He warned her. His brow was sweating and if he wasn't hurt, she would have continued forward. Instead, she sighed.

“Yeah, do what your told; that's what you do best.” Jensen chimed. With a warning look from Alec, Sephy ignored him and began walking with them. They struggled to get Clint over the sprawled bricks. As soon as they stepped over the rubble, he stumbled again.

“We'll give you a half an hour head start for the criple!” Clint clenched his fists and took a breath to calm himself while Alec rolled his eyes.

“Come on, we need to get under shelter.” Alec advised as he checked the sky. A crowd of angry clouds were rolling in as they entered the woods. Sephy hoisted Clint's arm around her shoulder again to get a better grip. Her arm rested above Alec's as they supported him. Within minutes of treking through the beginning of the jungle, the three of them were out of breath.

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