chapter 36

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Gage kept his footpace as light as he could as he raced down the hallway, leaving Faith and the two unconcious guards behind him. He didn't know what would happen to them or him, but he wasn't worried about that now; he had to get the Kiss back for Sephy.

As soon as Damian's footsteps came into range, Gage slowed and stuck to the wall like a fly to jam. Slowly stepping along the wall, his hands flat against the smooth surface, he stuck his head around the corner. Damian was alone as he travelled past the kitchen where he had first met Faith, and continued straight.

As soon as he rounded the first corner, Gage ran after him. He ran past the huge portrait of Eragon, sliding his hand along teh edge of it- knocking it sideways. He peeked around the corner just in time to see Damian disappearing into one of the several mahogany doorways. As the door shut and locked behind Damian, Gage grimaced and stopped infront of it.

Quickly he knelt and twisted the door knob. Gage pressed his ear to the wood in an attempt to listen to oncoming footsteps from the otherside, but all was silent. He pulled his shoe off and turned it upside down. Shaking it, two pins fell from the sole of it and into his palm. Shoving it back onto his foot, he didn't fumble as he picked at the lock. His lips spread into a grin once the lock clicked open and the knob twisted under his touch.

“There we go..” he mumbled to himself, opening the door slowly. Once he stepped in he prepared himself for a confrontation; his entrance hadn't been exactly quiet nor subtle. If he had to face Damain, he would be ready. Running water reached his ears and Gage turned to look in the direction of it. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed the steam coming from the ensuite to the huge cream and pale green bedroom he had just walked into.

“You're up!” Damian said with entusiasm. There was another voice then; a woman's voice.

“Of course. I couldn't sleep forever. Besides, I need to get back to work.” She told him. Gage sidled over to the bathroom door, his footsteps hidden under the sound of the crashing water, and listened in on their short conversation.

“That's probably best. I was just heading over to the Ruler's office now, anyway. Once you finish in the shower we can head over together.” His approaching footsteps sent Gage into a frenzy as he rushed to find a quick hiding place. He dived across teh bed, the pillows flying off of the made quilts and onto the floor. He tumbled to the ground and ducked behind the thick mattress.

The ensuite door shut tight and the sound of water and sweet humming was mumbled together. Damian stepped over to the bed and sat down onto it, his back to Gage. In a sly motion, Gage sat on his honkers and lifted his head up just enough to see over the top of the bed.

With blunt objects on the white bedside table he had the perfect chance to finish Damian off, but with his unblemished record, he didn't go to take the hard ornament. He had gone into the Arena innocent of taking a life from any other human, and unless it was necessary, he wanted to finish the entire process with the same status. However, there was a thin line keeping him from losing control and if Damian, or anyone else, were to tempt him the tiniest bit, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he could do serious injuries to anyone.

Gage watched as Damian bent over and picked up the pillows that had flown onto the floor when Gage had dived over the bed, and set them onto the duvet. He straightened the quilt out a little before he sat back down. Once he sighed, he lay down on his back, making Gage hurridly retreat and hide again.

There was no sign of the other woman or sign that she was finished in the shower so Gage decided to get comfortable by lying down on his own back; the space between the bed and the wall was just the right size for him to lie comfortable between the two sides.

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