chapter 5

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At first Sephy didn't think anything could be worse than the sound of gasps of horror and the roars of protest. But that was before her name was called out. She hadn't known that silence could have such a loud sound to it either. She could hear it as loud as if she were standing infront of twenty speakers and they were all blaring out rock music. It almost gave her a headache.

She looked out over the hundreds of people that were all staring up at her. She wasn't sure what to do. Her hands had gone numb and the only way she knew they were shaking was because she could feel them bouncing off of her leg.

Eventually looking away from the gaping faces, Sephy turned to face Faith, who was only starting to open her eyes now. Her eyes were sad. Not angry. No tears either. Just sad. As sad as any person could be while smiling encouragement.

"Now or never." She mouthed to Faith, and with a surge of courage mustered from the abyss that should be her stomach, she lifted out of her seat, knocking over Damian's wine glass in the process. She watched as the glass fell in slow motion and in the same lengthly movement, it rolled to the edge of the crystal table and began falling to the ground. Once it hit the solid marble floor, it smashed into a million pieces. And then the voices came.

The room almost vibrated with the discussions and outrage at each table. There were five hundred people, all confused, angry and curious about what had just happened. It wasn't their reactions she was interested in, though. She scanned the faces of all the contestants. They were in outrage, at least she thought they were.

Her vision had begun to blur as everyone's voices rang in her head. She looked up to the diamond encrusted clock above and watched as the second hand sluggishly moved one space.

"Persephone O'Shea." Eragon repeated into the microphone. Immediatly the room was still again. The smile on his face was an obvious cover. Sephy held her head high as everyone looked at her.

"Now, seen as we have read out all of our contestant's names, I think we should get around to our first starter course. After, we will get to know our dear contenders a little better and the reasons for them entering the Tournament." With his jaw clenched and a clenched smile, Eragon waved at the cameras that had been stuck in his face, recording the ceremony live.

Waiters from every angle appeared and started to set down plates of food infront of every guest. A plate was placed infront of Sephy, but she didn't go to sit. She wasn't surprised when she heard a growl in her ear.

"My office, NOW!" Eragon's voice was full of fury. Sephy didn't think twice before following him.

"This is bad. This is really really bad!" Joshua muttered to Gage. Like Joshua had told Gage, Faith had gotten a uniform for Josh and because of the number of staff no one realised Josh's extra set of hands. While Gage still watched after Sephy and Eragon who had been followed by several people including her mother and that guy from the other night, Joshua paced infront of him, just inside of his darkened down circle.

Five more tables had been pulled out for the contestants to sit at, not mingleing with any of the guests until the Ball began. Gage and Sephy were the only two who hadn't taken their seats yet.

"She's her sister." Gage said to himself more than anyone else. "Faith and Sephy are sisters." He tried again to see if it had sunken in.

"Gage! That is not the dilema! The problem is that the two of you are entering. And I hate to be the one to break this to you, but only ONE of you can win. If you make it that far, that is." Gage ignored Joshua, still. He faced his younger brother when he shook him.

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