Chapter 22

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Heyyyyy everyone! Hope you like this chapter. I really enjoyed writing this one! I can't believe that there are 22 chapters! Thanks for all the comments on all of the other chapters and I really hope you all continue to read and vote and comment because it means so much to me!


Chapter Twenty-Two

Sephy was awakened for the third time. Gage's yells of agony penetrated her sleep and woke her up like a lightening bolt. She blinked away the darkness until her eyes focused on the candle light that illuminated the room.

Across from her, Galen and Clint stood around Gage's bed. Alec crossed the room with a jug of water, placing it on the table beside Gage. While Joshua looked on in worry from the opposite side of the room, Sephy began to climb out from under her blanket. She hadn't slept well, but she was surprised she had slept at all.

“How is he?” She asked for the third time that night. Everytime she had woken up, she asked Galen. Each time she got the same reply.

“Go back to sleep, Persephone. You aren't doing anythng for him worrying.” Galen told her. She shook her head; the other times she had complied and went back under the light blanket and fell into another restless sleep, but this time she wanted to stay awake, unable to sleep anymore.

“I thought you said you gave him enough morphine?” She questioned, her face contorted into several expression as the sweat ran down Gage's forehead. He was not awake, but nor was he asleep.

“I did. I think it's in his head. With the amount I gave him, he shouldn't be able to feel any pain.” Her brows began to stitch together. She made her way over to his side and knelt down. Taking the bowl of water and sponge that were to the side, she began dabbing his forehead with the cool liquid. A chair was brought over to her by Alec and she sat on it, continuing to dab his forehead.

“What happened to the power?” She asked.

“Eragon turned it off. He must know Alec and I brought Gage down here.” Clint replied. Sephy ran her hand down Gage's face, not liking the temperature his skin was.

“You're going to be okay, Gage.” She tried to soothe. With her free hand, she placed her palm on his cheek. The burning hot fever that controlled his body was raging under his skin.

“We need to deal with our other...problem.” Alec said to the others. Sephy was a little confused.

“What other problem?” She asked him. Alec gave the others an unsure glance. “What's wrong?” Sephy wondered.

“Jensen is the one who ratted you's out.” Sephy wasn't as surprised as she would normally have been; wheather it was because she had lost trust in Jensen already or else because all of her emotions had been drained at Gage's whipping, she wasn't sure.

“We think.” Alec added to Clint's comment. Galen put his hand to his forehead.

“Either way, Jensen is the least of our worries. We need to take care of our own for now.” He told them. When Sephy looked over at Joshua, he had his eyes narrowed.

“What about Faith?” He spoke when he saw Sephy watching him.

“Eragon won't do anything to her. She's the whole compeition.” Sephy assured him, hoping her words were true.

“I'll go and get us something to eat.” Clint murmered, leaving the room.

“We'll get her back, don't worry.” Alec told Joshua, patting his shoulder. Sephy moved her eyes to Gage's face. His cheek was still burning hot, but he had stopped thrasing around long enough for Galen to inject him with some other drug that would put him back to sleep.

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