Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

Sephy began thumping Gage on the chest. He raised his eyebrows and put his arms up to defend himself, his clothes soaked with blood. She pushed him away from her and staggered to her feet.

“You are the stupidest person I have ever met!” She yelled at him.

“What?” Gage wondered, standing while holding his side. Sephy narrowed her eyes and stepped towards him. She hit him in the chest again.

“You are too reckless! WAY too reckless and you need to stop being so stupid and actually THINK before you ACT!” Sephy yelled at him, ignoring the pain in her legs. She heard Alec, Chale and Jensen all land on the ground and run over to them. Brutus lay unconcious on the ground, under the Knight.

“Persephone I don't know if you realise what just happened but-” Gage began. Sephy tightened her lips and waited for him to continue but he stopped when he saw the rage in her.

“Oh I know what just happened. You got an arrow to the gut. Don't you dare think that I don't know what happened! Your injury is on me now!” She accused.

“Wait, let me get this straight.” Gage paused for a second. Sephy put her hands on her hips and glanced over at the others who weren't about to risk interupting them.

“You are mad at me because I...saved you?” Gage's lips spread into a smile. Sephy's anger grew more furious.

“Yes! You had no right to do that! NONE!” Gage's smile got even bigger now. “Now if you die, it will be my fault. You are so selfish, Gage. You know that?” Gage began laughing.

“Are you sure that this is why you are angry? Or is it something else?” Gage teased her. Sephy looked at him, confused.

“No- what do you mean? What else would I be angry at?” Sephy asked him, truly confused. She stood still while Gage took a step towards her. He went close enough to her that she put her hand up to his stomach to stop him from going any nearer.

“Well, you might be angry and...sad, if I were to, you know...die. Maybe you have...feelings for me?” Gage teased her. Sephy scoffed loudly and shook her head.

“Conceited too. Selfish and conceited. No, selfish, conceited and reckless; a great recipe for a dish I like to call...Stupidity.” Sephy put her hand down, but didn't step away from him. “You know, you should have something named after you. A commemorational structure. Actually I think a class for highschool students would be best. It would teach them all how not to act.” Sephy told him.

“Yeah, yeah. You say all this to cover up your feelings. I get it.” Gage put his hands into his pockets and looked down at her while grinning. She looked at him with an angry glare.

“Ugghh!” She yelled between teeth and stormed away from him. Gage was joined by Alec next. He looked at Gage and then at his side. Alec shook his head. He snapped off the arrow head and Gage pulled the rest of it back out of his back. He winced a little, but couldn't feel the pain he knew everyone else would feel. He ripped off his sleeve and put pressure to stop the blood flow.

“She's right. If everybody acted the way you do, no one would live past the age they have the ability to walk.” Gage watched Sephy pace backwards and forwards a few times, fists clenched at her sides.

“Well, rather me than her.” Gage muttered to him. Alec nodded in agreement.

“I have to agree there. Does she know yet?” Alec asked Gage, looking after Sephy, too. The bounty on her head had reached just over one hundred thousand before they entered the arena. By now, it would have risen to about seven hundred, he would imagine.

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