Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Gage sat at a table and watched as Sephy danced around the room with Damian. He wondered if she...

He snapped the thought out of his mind just as quickly as it had entered; but still couldn't manage to take his eyes away from her. She was wearing a brown gown tonight; it made her skin glow even more than it usually did. He told himself that he only wished to be in Damian's position because he wanted to talk stragety. But he knew it wasn't true....

“Gage!” He looked over his shoulder when he heard Joshua's voice. Gage stood and reluctantly moved his gaze away from Sephy. He hugged his brother and walked with him to the corner of the room so nobody would be able to hear them.

“I've missed you, strangly enough.” Joshua told his brother.

“Yeah, back at you. How things been on the outside?” Gage asked him. Joshua shrugged.

“Hectic but okay mostly. When Eragon changed all of the plans for the Tournament, everyone went mad. But that only lasted a couple days.” His brother explained to him. Gage nodded. “I've been watching everyday.” Gage raised his eyebrows.


“Why are you so surprised?” Joshua asked him. Gage shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

“I'm not. Do you have any clue what the other plans are?” Gage asked him.

“How would I know? I barely got in here tonight, and I'm working. No one is allowed anywhere near Eragon or the mansion. I'm pretty sure Eragon doesn't carry the plans around with him though. Why do you-” Gage thought for a moment. The look on Joshua's face told him that his brother had realised his plan before Gage had even gotten the chance to think it out clearly.

“You want to get the plans.” Joshua sighed.

“I sure do. It would help me.....and Sephy, a lot.” Gage added. He checked over his shoulder to catch Sephy being kissed by Damian. He let his eyes wander a little before he faced Joshua again. His brother was eyeing him.

“What is the plan forming in your head?” Joshua asked as if regretting it already. He was used to Gage coming up with plans to get things. They have done it all their lives, and Gage was the best at it.

Gage rounded the corner and stopped when he saw two men, arms folded infront of their chests. They were almost twice his height. He whistled inward; a reflex action. The two of the men towered over Gage and he smiled up at them, realising plan 'A', which consisted of strolling into the office he had found Sephy in and searching through the files until he found something in English that would give him a headstart on the competition for round two, was no longer a valuable option unless he wanted to die...

“This isn't the bathroom, is it?” He asked them. The two men looked at eachother and then back at Gage. They shook their heads. “Right...” Gage turned around and met Joshua who was on look out, as normal.

“I have a feeling you were too quick.” Joshua whispered.

“Two huge guards outside of the door. They must have seen Sephy and I earlier.” Gage thought aloud.

“You and Sephy? What were you two doing there?” Gage glanced at Joshua before answering.

“Talking about the Tournament. She found the sheets of paper there.” He leaned against the wall and watched the guests as they walked by him, all of them looked at him. He found it strange how they all knew him, yet he knew none of them. Gage watched the dancefloor. His eyes scanned over strangers and then the other contestants, all clean and healed. His eyes unconciously wandered over to where Sephy was talking with somebody. He narrowed his eyes when a plan began to form. As plan 'B' cropped into his mind, he stood seperate from the wall.

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