the mark of what

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Saiki discussed this with both his psychic friends. The decision was clear. He couldn't keep protecting you while you were unaware of it. It would be too hard on top of school and their own lives.

"What's going on? Why'd you call me to the roof?" You called out. The three people you never thought you'd see together had invited you to have a "talk" with them.
"There's something we need to tell you," Mikoto spoke.


The mark of death. The psychic powers. The guardian spirit. All explained to you as the sun set behind early on the short winter day. You had to take a seat to take it all in.
"Okay. I understand." No, I don't. This is all so new to me. Does that mean Saiki could read ALL my thoughts? Even the one where I... your mind drifted to the countless times in class where you called him cute in your mind, the countless scenarios you created in your head where you spent time with him instead of doing your work in class. It was clear you liked him but now it seems that he had known for a while.
Yes. you
You jumped. You still weren't used to his telepathy.
Oh, how embarrassing.
You dug your crimson face into your hands.

"So, what now? I can't let Saiki protect me all the time. He has a disastrous life of his own to lead. Maybe my mum can hire a PI to find them? No. We spent a lot on the house and she's still working late to pay it all off." You were thinking out loud at this point. Your head was rushing with ideas. Ideas and lasting thoughts of Saiki being able to read your mind. How embarrassing.
I can watch you until your mum can afford a PI. Unfortunately, neither I nor Mikoto can track the earrings. you

"Well, my fair lady. You won't need just this blunt dude to help you all the time. I think you're forgetting that we're all psychics here." the purple haired boy leaned in to your already blushing face, placing his hand on your chin with a smirk.
Oh, god. He's so close... and cute.
Oh wow! She's cute. Not as perfect as Teruhashi but cute either way. Saiki, what is she thinking? Does she think I'm cute? (Toritsuka)
No. Toritsuka
Damn it. (Toritsuka)

Again, don't get any funny ideas. I'm not lying to him because I like her. I just know that if they get romantic, it could make this whole process harder than it already is.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now