and then i woke up

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The next day, you pretended as if nothing happened. But something was strange in the way everyone was acting. People refused to make eye contact with you and every room you entered died into whispers while eyes gawked at you from every direction.
What's happening? Do I smell bad? Is there something on my face?
"You thought you could get away with sleeping in Saiki's bed? Now the whole school knows you're a slut and you and Saiki's reputations are completely ruined." A voice called from behind you, sharp and layered with complete hatred.
"Don't mess with me, scum." It was Teruhashi.

You jolted awake in a cold sweat.
What the heck was that dream? Teruhashi would never do that. She's too.. well, nice! And she doesn't like Saiki, does she?
The artificial, fluorescent lights from the ceiling pierced into your eyelids.
This isn't my room. Where am I? Oh. Shit. This is Saiki's room. I. Am. In. Kusuo. Saiki's. Room.
What is this? Am I.. on.. HIS BED? Oh, crap. How long have I been out? What's the time? Oh, no! My homework!
You ask a lot of questions. you.
Crap, I forgot he could read my mind. This is so embarrassing!
It's currently 9:30pm, and your homework is done. you.
You saw your books that were previously sprawled across your side of the table was now on his. Your answers were filled in.
"So I don't owe you back for the coffee jelly." He stated bluntly.
Ah. I see. That's very sweet of him.
9:30 means mother is still an hour away so I have enough time to get home and have her food ready. Thank you Mrs. Saiki! You're a saint!

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now