near death experience #2

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The dream you had nights ago in Saiki's bed was still bugging you. You didn't know whether it was a warning or just your mind playing tricks.
If Teruhashi, the most beautiful girl in school, correction, in the world, likes him then I don't have a chance.
"Hey! I see you with Saiki a lot", Teruhashi's eye twitched as she spoke.
"Do you like him?" Speak of the devil. I mean.. angel? You had just realised what she had asked.
"What? No way! Saiki and I are just friends! Plus, he isn't looking for a relationship right now, I think."
I'm not.
"Ahh, I see." Thank god! The heavens are on my side! It's not like you stood a chance with him, anyway. If anyone does, it's me.

"Mind if I walk home with you two today?" You have no choice, you obviously won't mind at all. (Teruhashi)
"Of course not! We'd love new company!" Right? Yeah. I walk home alone with Saiki all the time. It's not like this bothers me.
Good grief. I didn't agree to this.


You weren't jealous or anything. She latched onto his arm. Nevermind, you were. You couldn't help it. Jealousy isn't something you can control but you really wished you could because every word she said physically pained you.
The worst thing is that he deserves her and she deserves him. She's a goddess, an angel. She's perfect in general and perfect for him.
You had been taking it slow with Saiki because you didn't want him to feel overwhelmed or pressured to be with you.
Maybe I was going too slow. And now he belongs to her.
You weren't and I don't. I don't belong to anyone. Saiki thought to himself.


The horn from the truck startled both you and Teruhashi. Saiki had focused too much on the girls beside him to notice before he could prevent the truck from getting as close as it had.
Good grief.

He grabbed your arm, nudged Teruhashi forward so he had space to pull back and away from the road. You yelped in surprise, falling into his chest as his back hit the concrete fence. Your breathing was short, your eyes were shut tight. Tears had almost escaped your eyes.
Even though you knew losing the earrings meant you had to stay alert and you knew you could die at any moment, you didn't enjoy it any more every time it happened. Saiki has already saved you about 20 times in the past few weeks and you had almost cried every single time.
I must seem really weak.
You aren't. you
He kept his hands on your waist as he positioned you back into a standing position. His eyes broke contact with your teary ones.
"Thank you." You spoke softly, half expecting him to hear you.

Teruhashi had understood why Saiki pushed her out of the way but she was still extremely angry, cursing your existence in her mind.
The path isn't designed for three people to walk together, there's barely enough room for two. you and Teruhashi
"You're right", Teruhashi smiled at him.
Finally, she can fall back behind us. It will be just you and me. (Teruhashi)

What?! I can't believe he would insist on staying behind us! Does he not wanna walk next to me? Talk to me about my day? Brush his hand against the back of mine in hopes that we'd hold hands? People would die for this opportunity! (Teruhashi)
No, no and no.
She looks so pretty today. I can see why Saiki must like her.
I don't.
They're perfect for each other.
You're wrong. you
She's not all that nice and I don't like her that way. you
I keep forgetting that you can hear me! Still, what do you mean? She's so sweet!
Here. you.
He used forced telepathy to send you Teruhashi's thoughts. Not because he didn't want you to feel insecure but because he wanted you to shut up about her. Obviously.

I'm only pretending to be nice because I'm a perfect girl and I need to be nice to everyone. But it's so hard when this stupid girl is always in the way of me and Saiki. (Teruhashi)
"Oh," exhaled the word from your lips.
"Hmm? What's wrong?" The girl asked in her sickeningly sweet voice.
"Nothing. I just zoned out, sorry." You didn't know what to think. You were confused. Teru was your first friend at the school, she had never talked badly about anyone before. You couldn't believe it was all a facade. You kinda wished you didn't find out.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now