first date disasters

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Your admirer smiled as you walked over to him. You had fixed up your hair and straightened your uniform in the bathroom just before. Saiki kept a safe distance, making sure you didn't die on your first date.

"I'm glad you decided to come. I wasn't sure if my letter was enough to convince you." He started.
"Well, I thought it was lovely. Your crane too. Very romantic." you replied, pushing your hair behind your ear.
Ha, I made all that bullshit up in like 3 minutes. (admirer)
So, those are your true colours, huh?

You sat across from him in a café you'd never been to.
"Before we get close, I'm suspicious of the guy that always hangs out with you. Should I be worried?"
What is that supposed to mean?
"Oh, you mean Ku? No. Not really. We're just close friends."
"Good." his hand made his way onto yours. Your cheeks flushed.
Wow. You're easy. (admirer)
He's so straightforward and confident. I don't know if he's my type but he's so cute and I need to move on from Ku before I get my heart broken.
"But what's up with this Ku thing? You have nicknames for each other?"
"Oh yeah, I caught on from his mum" You chuckled at the thought.
"You've met his mum?"
"Yeah! We're friends after all."
Well once we start dating, you won't talk to him again. I should be the ONLY guy you talk to. (admirer)

After an awkward silence, the boy stood.
"I'll be back", he said. He had an urgent need to suddenly go to the bathroom.


Saiki dragged the sleeping admirer out the back door and teleported him back home. He gave him a dream that would make him too scared to ever talk to you again.

You waited patiently, fidgeting with the food on your plate. Finally, he returned, taking his seat back down. You turned your head up to greet him with a smile but you were met with Saiki's cold purple eyes through his green lenses.
"Ku? Where's-"
Gone. Urgent business. you
He cut you off. You sighed.
"Alright. Order up. You're my date now," you half-teased, expecting him to refuse, deny or leave.
But he stayed. He ordered a coffee jelly and ate with you.
"What really happened?" you asked after the both of you had finished your food.
"Ku, don't act dumb." You're a literal psychic.
He was a creep. You wouldn't like him. you
"Oh and you get to judge who I like or don't like? You know what, Saiki? It's like you don't want me to be happy." You know that I'm in love with you, yet you refuse to give me the closure I need to move on and I'm so confused every time you get close to me. "Can you just get the rejection over and done with?"
I can't. you. You wanted to shout even more but his collected response had calmed you down. You didn't want to be like your father.
"Why can't you tell me, Ku?"
Because I don't know the answer. you

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now