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Saiki had set up a small table in the middle of his room so you had a place to do homework. His mother gave him a smile when she asked him to sit on the table as well instead of his own desk and he complied quickly. So, there you were. Sitting across from a really cute guy, waiting anxiously for him to try the jelly you had made.

It was good. It tasted better to him knowing that you put in all that effort to make it. His face lit up, mimicking the same one you had fell for in that café.
You could've spent all that time studying. Now look at all the work you have to catch up on. you.
It was totally worth it. I mean, no it wasn't. You're right. Work, work, work. Homework, yes.
It sucked that he could read the first thought to pop into your head. It was obvious he knew you liked him. You just didn't want to believe it and tried to deny in your own head that you liked him in hopes of convincing both yourself and him.

You yawned for the fifth time. The all-nighter was coming back to haunt you. Your eyes felt heavy and you could barely keep them open. You rested your head on your hand and your hand on the table.
I'm just getting comfortable. I won't fall asleep. I'm just gonna close my eyes for two seconds and they'll be less tired. I'm not.. even.. sleepy...
Good grief.

"Children, I brought snacks!" Mrs. Saiki knocked on the door and opened it, holding a plate of snacks and two cups of tea for her son and their guest. Her face dropped when she saw you asleep on the cold, hard, wooden table in what seemed to be a terribly uncomfortable position. She turned to Saiki who already knew what he had to do.
He lifted you with telekinesis before Mrs. Saiki shot a smile towards his direction.
"Don't you think that's a bit inconsiderate, honey?" She questioned with her sweet, high pitched voice.

Good grief. He stood from his comfortable position and walked towards your sleeping body, wrapping your arm around his neck so he could carry you onto the bed. He turned to get back into his seat when his mum's voice rung out for the last time,
"Don't you think she's cold, sweetheart?" she smiled once again, placing the food and drinks on the table. He sighed, placing his blankets over you. He caught himself staring at your peacefulness, the way your soft breathing lifted the covers up and down in a rhythm. He wasn't staring because he found you attractive or anything. It was obviously because he had finally gotten peace and quiet for himself as your thoughts quieted down with your sleep.
"Keep the tea hot for her until she wakes up will you, Ku?" It was more of an order than a question and she exited the room, cheery as always.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now