wrong person

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When you had entered the car, you were met with an old woman, covered in layers of makeup and dressed in expensive, branded clothing.
"You must be her granddaughter," her voice was rich and sophisticated, spoken through her thickly applied purple lipstick.
"You knew grandmother?"
"Oh, honey. Your grandmother and I were inseparable since birth."
So, there you sat on the expensive leather of a dark limousine, across from your grandmother's sister.

"Your grandmother was the most respected woman of our coven. Ever since she was little, she had a certain spark to her and a strong passion for witchcraft." The strange, new woman began to explain.
"That explains the earrings." You thought out loud.
"Yes. The sisters of our coven had felt a strong presence about to enter the world. We knew an all-powerful being was to be born: one able to wipe out galaxies. Your grandmother had a strong feeling that it was going to be you while your mother was pregnant and with her history, everyone was sure to believe her.
Most of us knew the dangers of having such immense powers. It would tip the balance of the universe, which is why we created those earrings. We spent night and day layering it with protection spells, hoping to contain what we knew was coming.
Of course, some witches wanted to use your powers for themselves."
My powers?
"So, your grandmother took the earrings and ran away with her daughter and you. Imagine my shock when the earrings were put on sale in the black market!"
Your eyes widened.
"That was my father."
"I never liked that old crank. Well, whoever it was, it led us back to you. Oh, how grateful I am to see you all grown up and finally able to showcase what you have been hiding for the past 16 years." She smiled a bitter smile that sent chills up your spine. It wasn't a welcoming grin at all.

You parted your lips to speak and tell her she was in the wrong and that you didn't have any powers but before you could, you felt a cloth press against your face and before long, you had lost consciousness.


"Just hurry up and use your powers," her voice rung out. You wanted to shout at her and tell her there's been a misunderstanding, your voice muffled by the cloth that gagged you.
Saiki. Can you hear me? No response.
Your eyes scanned the room in which you were trapped, tied to the chair. Based on all the brands she was wearing, you'd expect a top class science facility but you were greeted with a dark and typical interrogation room. A camera blinked a red light at the top corner of the wall that held the one-sided mirror. You glared through it, knowing she was on the receiving end but you found it ironic that you were really just glaring at yourself in the reflection. How could you let yourself be captured so easily? Why did you think you could handle it without him?

The door to the room clicked and one of the men that accompanied you in the limousine entered. Your grand aunt's voice began.
"Handsome, isn't he? He has to be for the amount I pay him."
You didn't respond, only glaring at the man.
"Honey, if you won't show me your powers, I'm going to have to force them out of you." Her finger lifted off the communicator so you could no longer hear her.
"Come on, silly girl. Just use them." She muttered, tapping her foot on the concrete impatiently in the next room. She watched as her guard began his work.

He had walked in with a bucket and a piece of cloth in hand which you instantly noticed before your grand aunt had spoken. He removed the cloth that gagged your mouth. Your throat felt parched and dry.

"You're going to waterboard me?" You managed to say, scoffing in disbelief at the cruel, cruel woman on the other side of the wall. "You old hag."

"Don't worry, little girl. It's all in your head." She spoke, well aware you couldn't hear her without her finger on the mic.
I chose this method because it's not actually physically damaging and won't leave any marks. However, it will give her the sensation of drowning and psychologically push her off the edge. It won't be long before she reveals those sweet powers of hers. (grand aunt)


"I know where she is." Toritsuka finalised.

The earrings lay safe and sound in the limo which was parked away from the interrogation site. Your grand aunt knew the restrictions it would bring so was taking extra precautions in order for you to fully use your powers. Unfortunately for her, this meant that Saiki was able to easily teleport within close perimeters of the site.

He now stood outside the gate alone after concluding that you wouldn't want Toritsuka and Mikoto to be involved any further. It took Saiki less than a minute to get rid of the guards and make his way through the metal gates. In front of him stood a tall building surrounded by a plethora of plants and trees.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now