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"Annie, my mate is here. I was waiting for you from so long!" Skylar's eyes reflected love.

"I'm so happy for you Sky but mind if I ask few questions to your mate!"

"Of course not Annie but I prefer we talk about this in car." I nodded and we settled back in car but this time Sky was with us.

"Hey! Myself Annie, Luna of Silver Blood Pack and friend of Sky." I forwarded my hand to which she hesitatly shook.

"Earthy!" She whispered.

"That's a beautiful name." I complimented to which she blushed and snuggled into Skylar. I awed mentally. Annie focus!..

"What were you doing all alone in such a dense forest?" She looked hesitant.


"Alpha we are here!" One of the men interrupted. I gave a we'll talk to you later look to Skylar to which he nodded .

I quickly got down the car and rushed towards Shadow who had his arms wide open.

"I missed you Nutella" I missed him so much.

"I missed you too." I mumbled snuggling into his arms.

"Where are mom and dad?" I looked around and saw Phoneix hugging Shivaay.

"On there tenth honeymoon!" I giggled. Shadow had taken his position as Alpha and now mom & dad were fulfilling there only dream to go on the world tour.


"Alpha Shadow are there any cases of kidnapping or killing of pack member in your pack?" Shivalay asked. After having a soulful dinner we were now in conference room discussing about Rarobreeds.

"Fortunately, nothing till now and I have increased pack security since last week I've got your letter regarding the brewing situation.

" far as we know these Rarobreeds..." Knock* Knock*

The knock interrupted our conversation, I stood up and opened the door to find Earthy standing there fidgeting with her fingers.

"Earthy, are you okay?"

"Y..Yes Luna, I..I want to tell you something really important."

"Come inn" I locked the door behind. I could see her feeling nervous, she was shaking with all the power present inside the room. I smiled seeing Skylar coming forward wrapping his arm around her shoulder .

"I belonged to Crystal Blue Pack"

"The one which was recently destroyed  due to sudden fire been caught overnight." Phoneix added.

"Yes the very same. Fortunately, we all survived but had no roof on our head. Our Alpha had few ties with other pack who agreed to let us join our pack and while traveling from our pack to another, I got lost and ended up in that sense forest." That answered all my questions.

"Is that all?" Shivaay asked to which I glared towards him for being rude.

"Noo..Alpha. While I was trying to find a way back, I came across a waterfall ...


Earthy's pov

Finally got some water to quench my thirst. Gulping the sweet water of the river, I decided to take a quick dip before starting back my search.

Discarding clothes behind a bush , I jumped into the chilled water. Quickly washing myself, I looked around making sure nobody was there and quickly walked out wearing my clothes back.

As I was turning to walk away I heard footsteps and caught a mixed scent which I couldn't predict that was it of werewolf or vampire or anything else  I lowered down enough to hide myself behind bush and saw 3 men more like a giant men walking towards waterfall. And what surprised me the most was they touched something and all of sudden the water stopped and a huge door appeared in front. As soon as they went inside the water started flowing back.

At one point I thought, I was dreaming or lost in some fairytale but after few minutes other troop of men walked out."

Silence was heard all around. Shivaay cleared his throat and continued.. "I have few questions to ask. How did you get to know about Rarobreeds? As far as I remember only few of the stronger packs know about this information. Another been a werewolf your scent could have been easily caught by other werewolves, how did they not notice & how did you manage to hide it?"

"Alpha, you too know news spread like fire and while we were travelling, we stopped at one of the pack where we got to know about them and our Alpha Sebastian warned us and asked us to stay alert while whole journey. And secondly, I'm a werewolf protector too! She pulled her sleeves up and showed us the tree within circle mark on her hand.
I've been blessed with powers of Nature and I can easily hide my scent from others apart from my mate. She looked at Skylar who was looking at her like a love sick puppy. Shivaay nodded.
Moon goddess had already told me that my mate would be a Werewolf Protector.

"That means, that cave has a witch spell on it and as Earthy said that the giant men were neither having scent of werewolf nor vampire which means they are Rarobreeds and maybe that cave is their hidden spot!" Om added.

"But how could they walk so easily in the sun?" Rudy asked

"Witch potion Rudy!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you Earthy, because of you we could find a clue from where to start." Skylar kissed her forehead.

"Okay lovebirds, I think you need a room!" I teased making them go red. Chuckles and snickers were heard around.

"When are we planning to attack?" Shadow asked .

"We'll need to make sure that it's not a trap of Blackmart and then accordingly we'll plan for the attack ." said Shivaay.

"Great then, Earthy do you remember the directions to the cave?" I asked to which she nodded.

"I want Skylar, Rudy, Earthy and few of the pack warriors to go and check out that place first in the morning while we would coordinate and update with King Stephan and Rogue King till then. For now meeting is dismissed." Shivaay announced and we all left the room not before planning to have a movie marathon at night.


"I'm so tired!" I exclaimed slumping on my bed.

"You should take rest." Shivaay followed sitting beside.

"You might be tired too Mr.Alpha. Can I help you with something?" I moved close to his ears speaking seductively.

"You're playing a wrong game sweetheart!" He caught my waist pulling me closer. His eyes had turned darker shade of blue.

"Well two can play the game Mr.Alpha" I winked .

..... To be continued


Hey fam! First of all I apologize for not updating it on time. I'm so sorry .

And to compensate, I will be updating another chapter of this book tomorrow. Pinky Promise.

Do you like the new character Earthy?

Is the cave Rarobreeds hidden spot or Blackmart's trap?

To know what happens next,Stay tuned.

I hope you guys liked the chapter.

            Do read, vote and comment.

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