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Our stay here was extended for the next week. Both werewolf and vampire warriors had started making rounds in another part of countries and other packs to gain as much as information regarding any sudden death or any suspicious person. I had increased my training hours not only to stay prepared but also for another reason that is avoiding Shivaay. I was still upset or I can say bruised by his behaviour.
My heat was no longer hurting me and I was surprised that tonic worked so well. Nobody was aroused by my smell when I dashed into meeting hall full of men that day.
I decided to take a five minutes break and sat down the nearby tree. I closed my eyes feeling the nature .

'Annie where are you?' Shivaay mind-linked.

'In practice ground!'

'Come back now.' He ordered. Before I could even ask why, he cut off the link making me sigh.

I grabbed my things and made way towards castle .


"Sorry to call you between your practice but someone is here to meet you!" Shivaay said pointing towards another side of room where a guy stood looking towards our direction.

I walked towards him, he looked around 20's. His sharp jaw, brown eyes and pointed nose made him look handsome.

"Hello, myself Annie" I forwarded my hand .

"Hello Annie, it's Skylar here. I'm Beta of Golden Rein pack." He bowed slightly.

"What brings you here Skylar?" I asked

"Can we talk somewhere in private Annie!" He asked

"No, whatever you want to say, say it here." Shivaay interupted wrapping his arm around my waist. Is Alpha Shivaay jealous? I giggled knowing it's gonna be so much fun.

"Shivaay we'll be back within few minutes, if not you are allowed to come out!" I tried to bargain which was successful.

We walked out in garden area and stopped near huge fountain. I patiently waited for him to speak, "I'm a white wolf, he spoke. I wasn't surprised as moon goddess had already told that I will meet them soon.

"What's your symbol?" I asked to which he shifted collar of his shirt revealing a sun symbol that represented heat and fire.

"You must be thinking, how do I know you are white wolf when only few of your trusted ones know about it!" I nodded.

"Moon goddess had told me about you and said me to meet you here."

"Have you received your powers yet?"


"Show me! Make the environment around us warm. "

He nodded before closing his eyes, I watched his every move. After what seem a minute he opened his eyes that were now orange in colour and I could feel the warmth surrounding my body.

"Can you burn something and extinguish the fire by yourself or you need water element for that?" I asked looking at flames in his hands.

"I can extinguish it easily. I need no water for it"

"Great! I guess moon goddess might have told you about upcoming war and other important things." He nodded.

"Do you have a mate?"

"Not yet, I'm searching for her!"

"No worries, she will meet you soon ." He had a bright smile on his face. We made our way inside where Shivaay was busy walking to and fro. He looked up as soon as he heard our footsteps.

"Shivaay, meet Skylar, he is one of the white wolf and a Werewolves Protector that moon goddess was talking about ." I introduced them.


"So you're telling that you haven't received your powers yet?" Skylar asked as we continued practicing defence.

"When did you receive your powers?"

"After the night, moon goddess visited me in my dream." He flipped as soon as I tried to kick him. I just hummed and we continued our practice for what seem 3 hours.

"Tomorrow practice at same place at same time." I said to which he nodded and we moved towards castle only to stop listening rustle near bushes.

"Please help!" A girl ran towards us, she had bruises around her body. Skylar's wolf  howled in pain, is she his mate?. He grabbed her before she could touch the ground being unconscious.

"You move towards castle, she needs treatment while I'll look what's wrong here." He nodded and rushed with her in his arms while I moved towards the direction from which the girl came to see no one around. I closed my eyes trying to listen my surrounding, everything seemed normal. Strange! I thought and moved towards castle.

"King has urgently called for meet Luna, everyone is in office room." Om said. We made our way inside office room to find King and Shivaay looking tense.

"My King, anything serious?" I asked grabbing seat beside Shivaay.

"The girl Skylar brought was been attacked by Rarobreeds. She is been operated and we won't know what exactly happened with her and where until she wakes up!" I nodded understanding.

"Excuse me" I walked out of the room, I saw Skylar waiting outside room impatiently.

"Skylar" I called.

"I hope she is fine? I can't lose her Annie, I don't know why but I felt a connection with her, she isn't my mate but she seems someone special to me. Moon goddess isn't going to take her away from me right? I..

"Shhh..  I cupped his face trying to calm him down. He was continuously blabbering being tensed. Skylar she isn't going anywhere. She will be all fine. You just need to trust moon goddess. Okay?" He nodded looking at me with hope in his eyes.

"Doctor how is she?" Skylar asked as soon as he walked out.

"Thank goddess, her wounds were not deep. She is lucky enough that Rarobreeds poison did not reach till her organs or else it would have been difficult to save her." I sighed in relief.

"Thank you doctor. When can I meet her?

"After an hour." He walked away.

"I need to go now but I will be back." I said and moved towards my room. I walked in shower, after spending sometime pampering myself, I walked out to find Shivaay already present in the room.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Just give me a minute!" I discarded my old clothes in the basket and tied my hair into a bun making sure to let few strands of hair down.

"Hmm.." I sat on other side of the bed waiting for him to speak.

"I want to give us an another chance" He spoke. Wait! Did I hear it correct? be continued


Sorry for updating late, I was kinda stuck😅

What made Shivaay give there relationship a chance?

Will Annie finally get what she has dreamt of since childhood?

To know what happens next, Stay tuned!

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