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(Beware* : Little bit of odd stuff in the chapter. Many of you might not agree to it.)

(Annie's pov)

I woke up to the light kisses being peppered on my face. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Good morning Annie" He whispered bitting my earlobe.

"Morning" I nuzzled into his neck.

"I know you are tired but you need to get up. Others have already left for the mission. They should be back anytime now. Plus you need food for energy."

I raised my hands asking him to grab me. He chuckled and lifted me in his arms before walking towards washroom. I sighed feeling hot water engulfing my body and the lavender aroma floating in the air.

I opened my eyes and looked into his blue-green eyes that were filled with joy.

"Umm..Annie there is something I need to tell you." His voice held uneasiness .


"As you know tonight is full moon night that appears only once in 4 years and is called the mating night.. I nodded. Being the King & Queen of the werewolf kingdom there is a ritual we need to follow on this day."

"What ritual?" I asked

"Mating ritual!"

"But didn't we just mate last night?" I looked at him confused.

"Yes but that was only one part of it. My wolf Zion and your wolf Selena have to mate in wolf form! My eyes popped out like socket, I can feel Selena jumping inside my mind. I opened my mouth to speak something but closed again, I was literally gapping like a fish.

"I know it's too much to handle but we have to perform the ritual tonight so that you can official become Queen Luna of werewolf kingdom. Mating of wolves is said to be one of the most intimate ritual in werewolf world. It's said that if you mate in your wolf form on full moon day, mates bond and grow more strong together."

"Ohk! It's too much to handle and I can see there is something more to it so would you please complete.."

"Today night if we decide to mate in our wolf form then tonight I won't be able to control Zion and I don't think I need to explain!" He cleared his throat.

"I got it and I am ready. He looked surprised. One day we had to perform this ritual so it's better to get over it the soonest." I pecked his lips earning a small smile from him. Even though I was hell nervous but I trusted him.


"That cave is the hidden spot of Rarobreeds. We saw few of them entering and coming out of it." Om answered.

"Great work everyone. Go get some rest now. " Shivaay completed. Others nodded and walked out leaving behind just me and him in the room .

"Annie I'm here!" I scrambled out of the chair in the swift and dashed out of the room making my way outside .

Bark* Bark* " As soon as I opened the door, Snuggle my baby husky which was no more a baby jumped into my arms.

"Mumma missed you so much baby." I giggled as he continued licking my face.

"Annie!" Before I could process Grace threw herself on us making us fall thump on the ground.

"I missed you bestie!"

"I missed you too."

"Grace , oh my god! My baby." Grace's mom rushed towards us pulling her into a hug. I smiled as soon Uncle Zoe, Grace's father rushed inside wrapping his arms around the two.

I felt arms around my waist , I moved back putting my all weight on him with Snuggle in my arms.

"Grace!" Om rushed downstairs as soon as his wolf sensed his mate near.

"Ommie!" She shouted jumping into his arms and kissing him. It was more than 2 minute they were still kissing, we all stood there akward.

"I guess they need some privacy. Let's go." I spoke and we all walked back leaving behind the two crazy mates.


"Are you ready Annie?" Shivaay asked looking into my eyes. I nodded slowly.

Shivaay walked behind the tree whereas I swiftly changed myself into the wolf without discarding my clothes.

I heard bone cracking sound and soon Zion walked out, his shiny black fur, his magnificent golden eyes and he was twice bigger size of my wolf.

He walked closer nuzzling into my neck. I bit his mark making him growl. We walked in the woods. Selena was quite shy at first but then was in all fun mood as she made Zion chase after her.

As full moon peeped out of the clouds many howls were heard around. Selena made herself comfortable on the ground and soon Zion jumped on her as a hungry neanderthal who had seen a female after ages.


"Thank god Selena had control over Zion!" I mumbled as we started walking back to our pack house.

"You see he is grump sitting in corner." Shivaay chuckled. As our wolf completed mating , Selena quickly gave control over to me telling she was not feeling well.
And been sweetheart, which Zion is, he gave back Shivaay the control.

"I can feel  powerful vibe from you. Tomorrow, morning we are leaving for for our pack and in upcoming week I'm gonna introduce you as Queen Luna of werewolf kingdom." He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Will I be a good Luna?" I asked all of sudden making us stop in the tracks.

"You will definitely Annie, I know." He kissed my forehead making me close my eyes in delight.

"Let's get to the sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day." We moved inside our room and quickly slumped on the bed welcoming the sleep.

"Shh...she will wake up!"

"She looks so pretty!"

"See that mark, it's so beautiful!" I heard hush voices around me.

"If you guys make any noise, I'll kick you out of the room." I heard Shivaay's voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone surrounding me looking confused, happy, excited!

"Good morning. Why are you guys looking at me differently?"

"Look at yourself !" Shadow pointed towards mirror. I gasped looking at my reflection. My hairs, they were now reaching down my butt and had turn more shiny with gist of brown shade. I touched the mark now situated on the neck, it was a design of Rose. I stood up and found inch of my height increased. My facial features had changed and my skin was literally glowing. I couldn't believe the girl standing in front was me. be continued .


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