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"You seem distracted, мой маленький спитфайр?" His gloved hands firmly grasp the whiskey tumbler as he takes a sip, prompting me to lift my head at his question.

Returning my gaze to the unfinished meal, I sigh. "It's nothing."

Anticipating his inevitable response, I tilt my head, allowing my eyes to roam the elaborate private room. The décor oozes elegance, fitting for another high-profile restaurant—only the best for him. He owns this building, like everything else, ensuring exclusive privileges.

This room is cozier than the one at L'obscurité. The setting feels more intimate, adorned with creams, dark wood, and crystal. Our table for two takes center stage, positioned before wall-to-ceiling glass windows that offer a view of the river. A large white marble fireplace stands to our right, warding off the Autumn chill.

"If it's nothing, мой маленький спитфайр, then pray tell, how have we managed to grace the same room for over an hour without you regaling me with your..." He pauses, savoring the moment, his tongue leisurely grazing his lower lip before leaning closer and concluding, "sparkling temperament?"

In simpler terms, it's his way of pointing out my snark. I've yet to encounter someone who can lace their insults with such sweet words as he does. He's a virtuoso of the double entendre, and I'm typically the first to call him out on his shit. However, tonight, my thoughts are consumed by Ava and our conversation in the car after I dropped her home following her hypnosis session.

"I should've canceled tonight and stayed with her; something wasn't right. I know she's not in a good place emotionally, but I also recognize that the more I push her to open up and discuss what's happening, the more she'll withdraw. Ava prefers to address her issues on her own terms and with her own strength. I can relate to that. I'm not a fan of people delving into my personal affairs either, but I believe Ava takes it a bit too far. I'm also worried about the extent of her drinking."

"I keep replaying her comments about her Wolf in my mind. From the moment I picked her up, I sensed that something had changed. Even if subtly, her entire aura was different. Don't get me wrong; I'm not a mystic or anything. I've been around enough of them to know I am NOT one of them. But I have this feeling that her Wolf might be more than just a Wolf and could be somehow connected to her kidnapper."

Taking a sip of my 2008 Penfolds Bin 620 Cabernet Sauvignon – Shiraz, meticulously imported and preserved in one of my fiancé's many cellars. Nothing but the best for him. Attempting a smirk, I try to lighten the mood. The last thing I need is for him to dig deeper into my relationship with Ava, "Alexei, aren't you enjoying our evening together? I could always head home if..."

"мой маленький спитфайр," he growls, his blue eyes flashing and his forehead creasing, "you know the contract, you know what is required. I've been patient with you. You know I could have claimed what's mine when you turned 25, but I desire this partnership to be mutual." I sense the intensity in his words and the underlying threat they carry.

He's correct. I've seen that part of the agreement, the contract on my life made when I was a child, when the Petrovs took over my care. I'm careful in choosing my response, knowing when to concede. "Don't push me, Erin. I'm getting tired of waiting," he finishes, bringing one of his gloved hands to rest on his chin.

Sensing the need to appease, I force a smile and lower my eyes, aiming for a demure facade. "I know, and I appreciate the extra time you've given me."

"Do not take me for a fool," he replies, his tone light yet carrying a subtle threat. "I know precisely what you've been doing with this time. Did you not think the sisters would alert me the moment you contacted them about your biological parents?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now