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"I still think we should go and check on Erin and Liam," I tell my Wolf, as he playfully kisses my stomach and whispers to our unborn son.

"They'll be fine, Doe; it's still too early," he replies with casual assurance.

I sigh, fingers absentmindedly tracing the Celtic knot pendant resting against my chest—a gift from Griffin after our mating ceremony. "Still, I'm worried. Erin is going to be furious."

Griffin continues to nuzzle my belly, seemingly unfazed by my concerns. "They are Maité Fíor, Doe. It's meant to be."

Suddenly, Isla's voice breaks through the tranquility. "We have company, brother." Her arrival startles me—not just her presence, but the vibrant return of her former self, before her time in the city with Erin.

I shake my head slightly as Isla strides toward the fireplace, her hair pulled back into a tight braid, clad in black clothes topped with a slick black leather jacket. I make a mental note to borrow it sometime—sister-in-laws share, right?

"Who?" Griffin asks, his head tilting as if listening for distant sounds. His expression turns serious, and he sits up, planting a gentle kiss on my temple. "Isla, take Doe upstairs and keep her there."

Isla nods, but I resist, planting myself firmly on the sofa. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's happening."

"Doe, now is not the time," Griffin responds, a hint of urgency in his voice.

I narrow my eyes and let out a low growl, unintentionally slipping into a compulsion. "I'm not moving until you explain what's going on." Griffin's nostrils flare—a clear sign I've pushed my influence.

Sighing, Griffin pulls his hair back with an elastic band, clearing it from his face. "Liam's on his way."

"And Erin?" I ask, anxiety spiking at the thought of my newly mated friend who might very well be plotting my demise.

Before Griffin can reply, the door bursts open and a disheveled, naked Liam rushes into the Treehouse. My mind briefly wanders at the sight—these men never seem to bother with clothes, dangly bits and all. Panting, Liam halts a few feet from Griffin, a serious look etched across his face.

"Liam Brady!" Patrick's voice booms, echoing through the room as he strides in, flanked by Sean and Oscar. Luckily, they are all fully dressed, sparing me any unnecessary displays.

"Enough!" Liam roars back, his eyes flickering red with fury as he confronts his father. "You knew, and you didn't tell me."

"Liam, it's part of the pact. We are forbidden to speak of it. Only the Alpha and his Betas know," Patrick explains, his tone strained.

"Know what? Has someone been naughty?" Shay saunters in, clicking his tongue playfully as he surveys the growing tension in our living room.

"Doe, go upstairs; this isn't something you need to see," Griffin interjects, but I stand my ground, raising a hand to stop him.

I turn to face Patrick and the others, drawing deep on the inner strength I've been nurturing. "Sit." The command slips effortlessly from my lips, compelling them to obey, their 'Alpha asses' now firmly planted on our wooden floor.

It worked! I can't help but feel a thrill at my newfound power.

"Now, you will all stay quiet," I instruct the stunned elders, "and Liam is going to explain what's happening and where the hell my friend is." Liam meets my gaze, his eyes pleading.

"Mo Thine. She must have woken up during my rut. She's gone, and I need to get her back," Liam says, the anguish clear in his voice.

"You know we can't force her," I respond, my sympathy palpable. Ever since Liam discovered Erin's engagement, he'd been uncontrollable, his True Alpha nature fully unleashed. After Griffin subdued him, he was sent to Ireland with Shay to master his new form. Now, he's returned, not at war with his wolf but aligned and determined to claim Erin as his mate.

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