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*** Authors note***

This scene was written with a song in mind - to get the full impact, listen to the music before you read, and then again when the dance begins.

"Have we got eyes on Riam yet?" I hear Damir ask, speaking directly into a tiny black comms piece attached to his suit jacket. The question, I assume, is directed to Alexei's security team, who are currently searching the perimeter of the estate.

I clench my fist when I see him shake his head and Bass curses, his jaw ticking in frustration. Alexei, however, remains unaffected, his features blank, showing no emotion as we continue our hurried pace.

We're in the middle of the hedge maze. Both Ava and I have discarded our shoes and are moving with the men through the winding turns. I'm thankful to Bass, whose main element is fire, for heating the ground below our feet and keeping us from catching frostbite on our toes. Mind you, my fire also would have done the job, but Bass has way better control over his elements and is less likely to catch someone's pant leg on fire.

I inhale deeply and look around, taking in my surroundings. Noticing that we're coming up to the shortcut Isla showed me, I tell our group to take a right.

"That's the wrong way," Alexei stops and grabs my arm as I go to move right.

"Trust me, it's a shortcut."

"I know this maze, like I know the back of my hand. We turn left," Alexei quips, leaving no room for discussion, and I tug my arm out, feeling both pissed and frustrated by his pig headed arrogance.

"Yeah, well, there's something that you don't know. You're not a god, Alexei; you're not omnipotent," I snap, unable to keep my frustration in check, even knowing that Alexei may punish me for it later. Once again, I'm surprised when Alexei swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing, and inclines his head for me to lead. "Thank you," I clip and commence my slow jog.

We take the next right, then left, and I pause, coming to the next turn. Moving in a slow circle, I try to remember if the next turn was left or right when I hear a gentle sound coming from our left. "Yellow Brick Road," Ava murmurs as we listen to the slow piano notes, so subtle and delicate that I have to strain to hear.

"It sounds different," Damir replies, his brown eyes focused and following us as we move in the direction of the sound.

"Yeah," Ava nods, her wild curls blowing in the wind. "It's like the music has been slowed down."

I'm unfamiliar with the original, but this tune is hauntingly beautiful. Continuing, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see the massive Oaktree. The entire maze is shrouded in darkness, with only the moon and stars to guide us, but I can still clearly make out its shape.

"It's a dead-end, Bella," Bass grumbles, his white jacket shining like a glowing beacon in the limited light.

I ignore him and head towards the tree, the sound of the music growing louder. I stop less than a foot in front of the base, then move left and slip my body around the trunk into the hidden entrance.

Following close behind me are Ava, Griffin, Bass, Damir, and at the end is Alexei, who has frozen in place when he emerges from the other side. Not understanding his reaction, I turn to see what has caused his response. That's when I finally see Isla, looking almost ethereal, her eyes closed and her body moving to the music.

"Get her down." Alexei murmurs, his face white with a look of pain etched in his features.

The ledge. Isla's on the ledge. I mean, if anyone has perfect balance, it's Isla. But even I can see that she's a little wobbly on her feet, and I predict the empty bottle of Vodka lying on the ground next to her backpack is the culprit. I also know that just beyond the ledge is a 200+ ft drop to the ocean, surrounded by jagged rocks which would kill a person no matter their heritage.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin