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With only my words hanging between us, I wait and wait, but all I get in return is silence. Liam doesn't react. Disappointment floods my chest again, and I release his hair, taking a step back. "Or not," I whisper, my voice heavy with resignation.

I cast one final glance at Liam, observing the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, but there's still no response.

Gathering the pieces of my shattered pride, I nod slowly to myself and swallow hard. With heavy steps, I skirt around Liam's motionless form, my legs carrying me up the porch to the front door. Emotions churn inside me as I grapple with the unfamiliar sting of rejection.

"Are you sure you're strong enough, Erin?" Liam's voice pierces the air, causing me to freeze with my hand on the doorknob. I turn to face him, observing the tension in his body, the restless clenching and unclenching of his fists.

Seriously? Does he think I'll start planning our future kids names after one night? I mentally kick myself as I see a smirk play across his face, realizing I've spoken my thoughts aloud. FML.

"That's not what I mean, Mo Thine," his shoulders rise and fall, the movement jerky, a clear sign of his inner struggle with his wolf. "I'm asking if I lose control, Mo Thine. Will you be able to stop me?

Seeing a level of vulnerability I haven't witnessed before, and what looks like hope flickering in his eyes, I take a deep breath and step forward to take control. Raising my hand, a flame appears, only to extinguish as I close my fist. I offer him a saccharine smile. "I'm fire, baby. You can't hurt me."

Eyes flashing yellow, Liam's devilish smile mirrors my own. In less than a second, he's beside me, his movements too quick to track.

I swallow, my mouth moist with desire as Liam halts, towering before me, his muscular frame commanding attention, his hardened length tantalizingly prominent. I feel myself grow even more aroused at the sight of him. "Are you certain, Mo Thine?" Liam questions, his voice tense. "Once I step through that door, I won't be able to stop."

Screw waiting! Fueled by impatience and desire, I make my intentions clear. Without hesitation, I drop to my knees, the sound of wood thudding against my movement reverberating in the air. My hand eagerly envelops his throbbing length, guiding it toward my parted lips.

I flick out my tongue, tracing the contours of his glistening tip before encircling it with my lips and drawing it into my mouth, savoring the taste.

"Feck," Liam hisses as I engulf him, his knees trembling as I take him deep, his words a symphony of pleasure. "Mo Thine, fuck, your mouth... feels incredible. Oh God, Erin, feck." Adjusting to his size, I use my hand to stroke the parts I can't take in, ensuring his pleasure is maximized. With my mouth and hand working in tandem, I bring him to the brink of ecstasy, relishing every moan and gasp that escapes his lips.

Feeling a growl rumble through him, I halt my movements and gaze up to meet his intense yellow-eyed stare. Fido's presence is unmistakable. Sensing Liam's inner struggle, I brace myself, waiting to see what he will do.

The wait is short-lived, and Fido wastes no time in taking control. In a swift motion that catches me off guard, his hand seizes my hair, fingers entwining themselves firmly, and he yanks. A sharp gasp escapes my lips as my mouth opens wide in response to the forceful tug, causing his cock to slip out with a wet sound. Submitting to his command, I allow his grip to guide me upward until I'm standing.

I blink slowly, locking my gaze with his fiery, almost orange eyes. A glimpse of sharp canines flashes before he springs into action, crashing into me with force, lifting me off my feet and hoisting me over his broad shoulder. Inside the cabin, he swiftly kicks the door shut behind us, moving with a speed that leaves me reeling, my senses only regaining clarity when he nearly hurls me onto the bed upstairs. How primal of you, FIDO.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now