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Leaving the confines of the bathroom is less daunting than I thought it would be. Thankfully, Griffin and Shay are still outside, loading the final boxes, and Ava is upstairs, closing the rooms. All her personal items, and anything of value, are now securely packed and loaded into the van. Only Isla remains downstairs, tidying up the remnants of our lunch and humming a gentle tune to herself.

I close the door behind me and step into the kitchen. Isla remains absorbed in her work as I approach. Snatching a discarded cloth, I begin wiping down any lingering traces from lunch, absorbing the familiar, lilting notes of her melody.

"What are you humming?" I ask, my gaze shifting to meet hers as she raises her eyes.

"Mamma's lullaby," Isla replies, a wistful expression crossing her features. "She used to sing it to us, to help us sleep."

I nod, smiling at the comforting familiarity of the melody. The sound soothes, sending warmth through my bones and easing some of my anxiety. "Isla," I venture, wanting to ask her something before she resumes her cleaning. Waiting until she acknowledges me with a raised chin, I gently tap my finger on the kitchen countertop. "Why aren't you pestering me like the others?"

Soft dimples grace her face as she shrugs. "You'll talk when you feel ready, Sister."

Shaking my head at her simple yet reassuring response, I continue working alongside her, letting her humming fill the quiet spaces in my mind.


"I'm going to miss this place," Ava murmurs, cradling her barely alive plant under one arm and leaning her head against my shoulder as we stand together in the entranceway. "So many good memories."

Ava's right. This place was a home to me. A place I could escape, forgetting the world outside. Inhaling through my nose, nostalgia rising, I give Ava a little squeeze. "Yes, so many good memories." Smirking and cocking out my hip, I nudge her. "I'll never forget the look on your face when you came home early to find me reverse cowgirl on the couch. Good times, good times." I grin, and my comment causes her to laugh and smack me on the shoulder.

"That's not what I was referring to, but yes, you certainly did introduce me to," she pauses, licking her lips, a blush forming on her cheeks as she glances toward her mate, "things that have come in handy.."

"Oh God, girl, please tell me that you and the mountain have tried out some of the positions from the book I gave you?" Ava's light skin now flushed scarlet, and I burst out laughing. "You totally have, you dirty hoe, haven't you?"

"Erin," Ava whispers my name, and I continue to cackle at her obvious introduction to all things Karma Sutra.

"Well done, young grasshopper," I chuckle. Shifting to a more serious tone, I put my arm around her shoulder and draw her close. "I'm just so happy that you've finally found your one."

Looking up at me, a softness in her eyes and her face still tinged with a blush, she hugs me back. "You'll find yours one day."

Taking a deep breath and forcing a smile, I try not to flinch at her comment. It's not in the cards for me, and it doesn't matter anymore. Squeezing her again, I release her and move to the porch. "Sure, and then we can have pretty babies together and plan little tea parties."

"Erin," Ava chides, touching her stomach, "you never know. Who would have thought I would be on my way to motherhood? Your one is out there somewhere; he just hasn't figured it out yet."

Shaking my head and descending the steps while Ava locks up her house for the final time, I contemplate her words. She's right; neither of us would have anticipated that she would meet her one, mate with him, and now carry his child—all within a matter of months. It was only a few weeks ago that this man kidnapped her.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now