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"Isla, what the hell?" I rush over to her, horrified at the sight of porridge, porcelain, and blood covering her left hand and the benchtop.

Grabbing a clean dishcloth, I quickly wrap it around her injured hand, trying to assess the damage. "There's so much blood," I mutter, carefully removing the shards of the broken bowl from her skin.

Once her hand is clear, I hold onto it tightly, feeling her trembling against me. "Isla, talk to me," I plead, but she remains silent, her body tense.

Desperate to calm her, I start humming Aisling's tune, a melody from our childhood. Gradually, I feel Isla's tension ease as she leans into me.

After a few minutes, she pulls away slightly, and I release her gently, still concerned about her hand. "What happened?" I ask again as she stands up and heads to the bathroom.

"I lost control," Isla whispers.

Following her, I press for answers. "Why did you lose control, Isla? Control of what?"

She runs her hand under the faucet, avoiding my gaze. "I'm not prepared," she mumbles.

"Honey, can you stop talking in riddles and just tell me what is going on?" I urge, my worry growing with each passing moment.

Meeting my eyes in the mirror, Isla finally speaks. "I struggle with unfamiliar people."

Remembering Ava's warning about Isla's discomfort around strangers, I nod, encouraging her to continue.

"I sometimes forget my strength."

I lean against the ensuite door, raising a brow. "Are you telling me you're strong enough to break china?"

Shrugging, Isla turns off the water and wraps her hand in another cloth. "On occasion," she murmurs, then exits the bathroom, brushing against me as she passes.

Following her into the room, I continue pressing for answers. Okay, maybe I'm crossing into nosy territory, but she's my sister, and some things just don't add up. Like her attack. "I don't get it. If you can be strong on occasion, then how did that guy manage to hurt you?"

Yes, I know, I'm being blunt. But seriously, I need to know!

Pausing, Isla closes her laptop and looks up at me, sadness in her eyes. I feel a pang of guilt for pushing her, but I push it aside and wait for her to speak.

Biting her lip, she sighs and shrugs. "He sent me into heat. I couldn't control my body."

"And that's another thing. Heat? I thought that only happened after you mated or if you're around your True Mate thingy?"

Isla blushes slightly and retrieves a medicine bottle from her backpack, handing it to me. I read the label—Teasoralphan. Confusion clouds my mind.

"Siobhan gave them to me, after," Isla explains.

Teasoralphan is the medication Ava was on to prevent heat. I just assumed all she-wolves took it. "You weren't on them before?" I ask, watching Isla nod.

"We didn't know. My brother and I," she starts, then her expression turns to frustration. "Stupid, I should have known," she murmurs, taking the pills back from me.

"What about your grandma? Surely she would've said something?" I ask.

Sitting on the bed, Isla looks up at me, her eyes filling with moisture. "Gamma has been gone a long time."

"How long?" I ask, sitting next to her and taking her hands in mine.

"I had not started my cycle." Blinking in shock, I do the math and stare at her, "so you and Griffin have been on your own for that long?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now