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Tears keep falling as I sit here, huddled and lost in my thoughts. How did everything spiral so out of control? I draw my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them tightly as I rock gently. I bite down on the inside of my cheek and start counting backward, trying to anchor myself. Ten, nine, eight... How could I have been so naive? Seven, six, five... Does my life mean so little to them? Four, three, two... Why didn't my father fight for me? One. Why am I so disposable?

Fido! The thought of him ignites a spark of warmth within me. He fought for me. Liam—no, I mustn't think about him. Liam didn't want me. It was Fido who I surrendered to, not Liam.

Pain clenches my heart, and I struggle to breathe, overwhelmed by the emotions flooding through me. I've never felt as complete and cherished as I did with them. I want to go back, but—can I? If Alexei's willing to sacrifice me so casually, then perhaps...

I'm strong. I'm resilient. I'm fire. I'm strong. I'm resilient. I'm FUCKED!

I unfurl from my fetal position and stand, starting to pace around Alexei's dimly lit bedroom. Since when did I become so passive? Sure, in most areas of my life, I'm all about action—fire and fury. But when it comes to Alexei, it's like I've been conditioned to accept that he's the one in control. My rebellious years, my missing years—they're the exception, not the rule.

Tears choke my voice as I sob, alone in my gilded cage. Not even Grigor has come to see me. Isolation weighs heavy on my soul. You are not alone, a voice whispers inside my head, and instinctively, my hands move to rest on my still-flat belly. How can I feel such profound love for a life I've only just discovered exists?

Suddenly, I tense, a sharp pressure building at my temples as if something—or someone—is trying to reach me. It's Fido; I can feel him in my very core, calling out to me.

Heat begins to simmer at my fingertips, and I quickly pull back, frightened of what my elemental fire might inadvertently do to the new life inside me. I can't lose control, not now.

Compelled to escape these suffocating walls and my spiraling thoughts, I move to leave the room. But then, I hear Grigor's voice drifting up from below. " Alexander, Уверены ли вы?" His tone carries a weight that stops me in my tracks.

Before I can dwell on what Grigor might be consenting to, a jolt of electricity sparks deep within my soul. I freeze as the elevator dings open, the familiar scents of grass and wood wafting up the stairway. He's here.

Without a second thought, I bolt from the room, not even pausing to look as I rush down the stairs. Alexei can't find him here. If he does, he'll kill him.

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room. His brow furrows deeper as I slip past, but he makes no move to stop me. My heart pounds as I skid into the lobby, where the sight of familiar red eyes halts me abruptly.

"Mo Thine," Fido's voice washes over me, heavy with relief. While I'm aware of Ava, my brother, and Shay nearby, my gaze locks onto Fido. He crosses the distance in a heartbeat and enfolds me in his arms, his face buried in my hair. "I'm sorry, Mo Thine, I should've been there when you woke, to explain. Please forgive me. We should've warned you, but I couldn't stop myself; I didn't want to stop myself. I love you, Erin."

I pull back slightly to search his red eyes. "Liam?"

A smile tinged with sadness spreads across his face. "Who else would I be?"

Tears escape me uncontrollably as the reality sets in: Liam loves me.

He draws me close again, offering the comforting rumble of his chest. "I thought—" I start but falter, unsure how to express the turmoil within me. "Was it you?" I muffle against his shirt, needing confirmation of our bond.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now